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5、There is separation, there is reunion. The longer the separation, the more intimate it is. I wish you all the best in the days and nights when I can't see you. I want to l you that I miss you very much this Dragon Boat Festival.2、您打开的是幸运,收到的是祝福,看到的是希望,按下的是吉祥,体会的是美好,感觉的是温馨。

6、祝您端午快乐!You are lucky to open, yoeceive blessings, you see hope, you press luck, you feel good, you feel warm. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!3、天使说只要站在用心画的九十九朵郁金香前许愿,上帝就会听到我把花画满整个房间,终于上帝对我说:许愿吧我说:要看短信Mugwort lees are a type of herb that is belid to ward off evil spirits and keep people healthy. The custom of hanging mugwort lees on the door or windows started in ancient times. It is said that the ell of the lees can repel insects and diseases, as well as protect the family from evil spirits.的人端午节快乐!4、许一个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连,送一份美妙的感觉祝你万事圆圆,发一条短短的信息祝你幸福绵绵。


8、Make a good wish to wish you happiness, send a wonderful feeling, wish you all the best, send a short message to wish you happiness. Happy Dragon Boat Festival.5、雨声祝你平安,雨水冲走麻烦,雨丝捎去思念,雨花飞落心弦,雨点圆你心愿,雨露润你心田。



11、The sound of rain wishes you peace, rain washes away trouble, rain silk carries miss, rain flowers fly down the heartstrings, rain round your wish, rain moistens your heart. May happiness always acpany you. Happy Dragon Boat Festival.6、粽子飘香传四方,思念的心儿在心房,粒粒米儿是我情,甜甜的枣儿表心意,层层的粽叶,重重的爱,你是我一生的人,端午节快乐!Zongzi fragrance spread rywhere, miss the heart in the atrium, grain r is my feelings, sweet jujube heart, layer upon layer of Zongye, hey love, you are my life's forite person, Happy Dragon Boat Festival!7、桃儿红,杏儿黄,五月初五是端阳,粽子香,包五粮,剥个粽子裹上糖,幸福生活万年长,祝您端午节快乐!Peach red, apricot yellow, the fifth day of May is Duanyang, dumplings fragrance, wrap five grain, peel a dumpling wrapped with sugar, happy life for thousands of years, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!8、端午节到了,祝快快乐乐,开开心心;健健康康,轻轻松松;团团圆圆,恩恩爱爱;和和美美,红红火火!Dragon Boat Festival arrives, I wish you happiness, happy heart; healthy, relaxed; reunion, love; and beauty, prosperity!9、作为黑帮龙头,发短信我很慎重,名气是大家给的,地位是弟兄拼的,要对大家负责!我几十年如一日提前提醒你:端午节到了该吃粽子了!As a gangster leader, I am very careful to send text messages, fame is given by ryone, status is the brothers fight, to be responsible for ryone! I he reminded you in aance for decades that it is time to eat Zongzi for Dragon Boat Festival.Dragon Boat Festival is the silhouette of the remote mountains in the setting sun, and you are still in my canvas; but I am afraid that today will pass quickly and tomorrow will e at a gallop, and all the details of yesterday he been fragmented.11、这条短信,收到就行;要是在忙,不回也行;我祝福你,知道就行;今天的你,顺心就行;记得复我,偶尔就行;祝端午节快乐。

12、If you are busy, don't return this message; I wish you well, just know it; today's you, just go with your heart; remember to reply me, occasionally; Happy Dragon Boat Festival.12、也许祝福是一种形式,但是却能给人的心灵带来温馨,希望我的祝福同样的能给你心灵带来温馨!朋友端午节快乐!Perhaps blessing is a form, but it can bring warmth to people's hearts. I hope my blessings can also bring warmth to you17、三五良宵,花灯吐艳映新春;一年初望,明月生辉度佳节。

13、r hearts! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!13、粽粽情深,端午呈祥,酝酿了很多的祝福,代替不了那句最朴实的祝福祝你端午节幸福安康!Zongzong is very affectionate and the Dragon Boat Festival is auspicious. Many good wishes he been brewed, which can not replace the most one. I wish you a happy and healthy Dragon Boat Festival.14、粽子包着枣,祝你安康小;粽子夹着肉,愿你爱情长又暂;粽子沾点糖,看你快乐幸福长。

14、不同的粽子无我雷同的祝福:端午快乐!Zongzi wrapped with dates, I wish you peace and health forr; Zongzi with meat, I wish you a long and temporary love; Zongzi with sugar, see you happy and happy long. Different zongzi he the same wish: Happy Dragon Boat Festival!15、红旗高举,飞出深深杨柳渚。




18、The red flag was held high and flew out of Yangliuzhu. Drum spring tder, straight through oke wes far back. The sound of joy shocked the tens of thousands of people. Jin Bilouxi won the first place in the championship.16、人生无需,快乐就好;情谊无需花言巧语,想着就好;金钱无需车载斗量,够用就好;朋友无需遍及天下,有你就好,祝端午节快乐!Life needs no earth-shaking, just be happy; friendship needs no rhetoric, just think about it; money does not need a car, just enough; friends do not need to spread all over the world, with you, I wish the Dragon Boat Festival happy!17、粽子该是透入大海的,因为你的胸怀像大海一样的宽广,别忘了给自己投一个粽子!祝端午节快乐!Zongzi should penetrate into the sea, because your mind is as broad as the sea, don't fet to throw yourself a Zongzi! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!18、蒲月五,是端午。



21、祝你节日快乐!蒲月节,扒龙船,龙鼓响,大江边,呵呵,你那儿可以看到赛龙舟吗?祝你端午节快乐!May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. Eat zongzi and watch the Dragon boat. Gather toger to celebrate the festival. Happy holidays to you! May Festival, dragon boats, dragon drums, riverside, ha ha, can you see dragon boat racing there? Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you!19、花瓣雨飘过,把花心留给你,四季风吹过,把枫叶留给你,当月潮涌过把欢乐留给你,夜深人静时刻,把深深的祝福给你,祝端午节快乐!The petal rain drifts past, leing the heart of the flower to you, the four monsoon winds blow, the maple lees to you, the tide of the month surges over and the joy to you, in the quiet hours of the night, deep blessings to you, happy Dragon Boat Festival!Occasionally busy, does not mean fetting; the arrival of summer, I wish you a happy mood, once left greetings, this moment toger to pensate, all care, condense this message, wish Dragon Boat Festival happy.Send you a good luck dumpling, which contains healthy r, good luck eggs, safe mushrooms, happy shrimp, longevity flowers, lucky chestnuts. If yoeceive it, you will he good luck. Happy Duanwujie!22、一颗心迁挂着你,一份爱祝福着你,一份真感情在等待着你的回应。

22、祝端午节快乐!A heart hangs over you, a love blesses you, and a true feeling awaits your response. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!23、青丝捆着祝福意,棕叶包着朋友情。


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