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1、Wish to continue to cooperate, supervise each other, make progress toger and achi good results in the coming year.给公司的英文祝福语又是一个周日临,祝你玩出好心情。



4、给公司的英文祝福语1ing year to create a bright sunny career。

5、3、最美的祝愿给你,愿你新的一年里再创佳绩,加油!The best her, her and make progress toger。


7、The new starting point, the new journey, the opportunity contain wonderful, the dlopment is full of confidence, the horn is pushing people forward。

8、Thank you for your kindness。

9、 pany like a dragon to take off。



12、rades are willing to make persistent efforts and strive for further innovation。

13、23、新的一年里,愿你事业大踏步,业绩连连升,年终再次与成功会师!In the new year, I wish you a big step in your career and your achiments will rise again。

14、24、愿片片洁白美丽的雪花,带着我美好的祝愿,飞到你的身边,祝你新年如意,事业发达!pany has contributed to my meager strength, and I hope my arrival will bring more happiness to you。

15、给公司的英文祝福语2 给公司祝福语英文We should conform to the trend of the times, grasp the correct direction, persist in working toger in the same boat and seek common dlopment.2、祝我们企业的明天更加辉煌,祝大家新年快乐,心想事成,万事如意!Wish our enterprise a more brilliant tomorrow, wish you all a happy New Year, wish you all the best!3、立足新的起点,迈上新的征程,开创新的辉煌。

16、Based on a new starting point, we will embark on a new journey and create new brilliance.4、祝你把收获的黄金闪烁,把愉悦的心情放飞,把快乐成功留下,把美好愿望收藏!May you shine the gold you he harvested, let your joyful mood fly, lee your happiness and success behind, and collect your good wishes!5、我们不常拥有新年,却常拥有新的一天,愿你每一年、每一天都充满着幸福与喜悦!We often he a new year, but often he a new day, I wish you ry year, ry day is full of happiness and joy!6、新年的`钟声即将敲响,新年即将拉开序幕。

17、New Years bells will ring and the New Year will begin.7、每一天都会有新的冒险,也有新的体验。


19、Every day there are new aentures and new experiences. Remember, tomorrows sun will be brighter and brighter than todays.8、企业是我家,发展靠大家。


21、Enterprise is our home, dlopment depends on ryone. Start the New Year with two hands.9、愿新的一年,我们还能在欢笑的主旋律下,共迎新年,同创未来。

22、May the New Year bring us joyous new year and create the future toger.10、愿来年继续合作,相互监督,一起进步,再创佳绩。

23、11、愿你付出拼搏进取,在人生的旅途中画下灿烂的一笔;新的一年里,加油!May you work hard and make progress, and draw a brilliant stroke in the journey of life; Come on in the new year!12、辞旧岁迎新年,预祝新的一年里,事事顺心,大吉大利。


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