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英语:Sow a faith, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. Students, a good seed, a good grasp of it! "An idle youth a needy age." Dear students, please cherish ry sunny morning, devote themselves to study, let the sun shine on our magnifnt life; "for the poor, the more the more a story." Hope the students itive in the new semester, to show their talents, the dlopment of their personal skills, and comprehensively improve the overall quality of their own; "plum blossom from the bitter cold, Bao Jianfeng from sharpen." The flower of success is watered with sweat. Whenr, we all need to hard conscious spirit, require indomitable courage; ask c which clear, is the springhead. " A clear pool, must be injected into the spring, continue otherwise, n if not dry, easily turbid. Reading is the same, reading your intentions to persre, to ry book, ry word. Beli that this summer must he been very happy! September 1st but the time we go to school, do not forget it! Study hard for the new term! When the sun rises ry day, singing laughing generated from here, happy extends from here, a few good morning madam /! Is the beginning of a new day; a sentence howareyou! Warm greetings between people. Everything from the "serious" start, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, to do their homework. The process of academic success can not be separated from the hard work and hard work. "Genius for hard work", "Shu Shan Road, there is ground for the track, Xuehaiwuya hard to make a boat,", "Bao Jianfeng from sharpen out, plum blossom from the bitter cold" these proverbs say are the truth. Academic progress, in your conscious. We want to be in the teacher's guidance, dlop their good behior habits, learning habits and living habits. State laws, family rules, there are also some rules and requirements of our school. Students must observe the rules and regulations of the school rules and regulations, and consciously dlop good learning habits and living habits. Each class is the epitome of the school, each student on behalf of the school image, ry inch of the campus represents the appearance of the school, the students to do the language of civilization, civilized behior, on campus not littering, do not bully the all students; in the school to comply with traffic rules; in Internet cafes, rooms; in front of the school is not to buy snacks; in respect for their parents. In the society, all good citizens do a patriotic, law-abiding, honest, polite. Your parents are concerned about you in the new term, and we are all in your blessing. Today, we are going to see the new term as a new starting point, with a new spirit of life. Comply with school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, study hard, love labor, care for others, good at cooperation, with excellent results to your parents. I wish the students in the new semester to learn and progress, healthy and happy growth! I wish all the teachers in the new year of health, work, family happiness! Create an environment: safe, stable, civilized, orderly. The new semester new beginning a new multi point meteorological environmental civilization, more innovation, make the campus more beautiful. Learning is the first and most important safety. More care, a piece of green. The radius in good faith, with respect for the center. If you want to get good grades, hands and brains, to create beautiful environment, ryone. Let ry child to succeed! Pract the new curriculum and create new education. The new school year, a new style, work more efficient quality of high quality, the image of the United States, the school is my home, love you, I, he. "The new semester, you and I work toger!" "Bless you, the new semester, a lot of progress, a lot of harvest!" Make still further progress further, "!" To build up a confidence, I can be confident that our learning is very important. We read and learn, we need to he determination, confidence, and action. Create a style: seriously, dit, assiduous, seeking29、过去的习惯,决定今天的你,所以,过去的懒惰,决定你今天的一败涂地。

中文:播种一个信念,收获一个行动;播种一个行动,收获一个习惯;播种一个习惯,收获一个性格;播种一个性格,收获一个命运。同学们,好好播种,好好把握吧!“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”亲爱的同学们,请珍惜每一个晴朗的早晨,全身心地投入学习,让那灿烂的朝阳点缀我们的壮丽人生;“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”希望同学们在新学期里积极向上,大显身手,发展自己的个性特长,全面提高自己的综合素质;“梅花香自苦寒来,宝剑锋从磨砺出。”成功之花是用辛勤的汗水浇灌出来的。无论何时,我们都需要刻苦自觉的精神,都需要顽强拼搏的勇气;“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”一泓清池,必须不断有清泉的注入,否则,即使不干涸,也很容易混浊。读书也是一样,读书贵在持之以恒,要用心去感悟每一本书每一个文字。相信这个暑假里一定过得很愉快吧!9月1日可是我们正式上学的时间,千万不会忘记喽!新学期努力学习吧!当每天太阳升起的时候,欢歌笑语从这里产生,美好快乐从这里延续,一句Goodmorning!是崭新一天的开始;一句Howareyou !是人与人之间温馨的问候。凡事从“认真”开始,认认真真地读书,认认真真地上课,认认真真地做作业。学业成功的过程离不开勤奋和刻苦。“天才出于勤奋”,“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”这些格言说的都是这个道理。学业进步,贵在自觉。我们要在老师的指引下,培养自己良好的行为习惯、学习习惯和生活习惯。国有国法,家有家规,我们学校同样有一些规矩和要求。同学们要自觉遵守小学生守则和学校的规章制度,自觉养成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。每个班级都是学校的缩影,每个学生都代表学校的形象,每寸校园都代表学校面貌,同学们要做到语言文明,行为文明,在校园内不乱丢杂物;不欺负小同学;在校外遵守交通规则;不进网吧、游戏厅;在校门口不买零食;在家尊重父母。在,做一个爱国爱民、遵纪守法、诚实守信、文明礼貌的小公民。同学们,新学期你们的父母在关注着你们;我们的每一位教师都在祝福你们。今天我们要将新学期视为一个新的起点,以全新的精神面貌投入学习和生活之中。遵守学校规章制度,尊敬老师,刻苦学习,热爱劳动,关心他人,善于合作,以优异的成绩向你们的父母汇报。祝同学们在新的学期学习进步、健康快乐的成长!祝全体老师在新的一年身体健康、工作愉快、家庭幸福!创设一个环境:安全、稳定、文明、有序。新学期 新环境 新起点 新气象多点文明,多点创新,让校园更美好。学习是首要,安全更重要。多一份呵护,多一片绿地。以真诚为半径,以尊敬为圆心。要想成绩好,动手又动脑,要想环境美,大家齐创造。让每个孩子都走向成功!实践新课程,创造新教育。新学年新风貌,工作学习更高效素质高一分,形象美时分,学校是我家,关爱你、我、他。“新学期,你同努力!”“祝福你,新学期,进步多多,收获多多!”“百尺竿头,更进一步!”树立一个信心,我能我行自信心对我们的学习很重要。我们读书学习,需要有决心、有信心、有行动。创立一种学风:认真、勤奋、刻苦、求是。

求一篇初中校园广播稿,不要太官腔,贴近生活的那种(如介绍Justin Bibber,圣诞节,历史等等)速度!!





到16世纪,宗教改革者马丁.路德,为求得一个满天星斗的圣诞之夜,设计出在家中布置一颗装着蜡烛的圣诞树。不过,西方关于圣诞树的来历流行着另一种说法:有个善良的农民,在圣诞节那天,热情地招待了一名流浪的孩子,临别时,孩子折下一树枝插在地上树枝立即长成大树,孩子指着这树对农民说,每年今日,树上都长满礼物,以报答你们的盛情。所以,今天人们所见的圣诞树上总是挂满了小礼物。 .




圣诞老人原指公元4世纪时小亚细亚专区 的主教尼古拉,他因和蔼可亲10、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。慷慨济贫万里闻名。到了6世纪,东方把他尊称为圣尼古拉。由于民间有关尼古拉的传说中,都联系到少年儿童和礼物,从此,圣诞老人便成为专门在圣诞节向孩子们送礼物的慈祥老人的形象。到了18世纪,通过文学和绘画,圣诞老人逐渐成为身穿衣的白胡子、白眉毛老人形象。








贾斯汀·比伯是人气正在迅速上升的加拿大少年歌手。贾斯汀·比伯的个人单曲《One Time》一经推出便迅速火爆,第二首单曲《One Less Lonely Girl》首周上榜便空降Billboard Hot 100榜单第16位。他不仅在音乐上有惊人的才华:创作、打鼓、跳舞、弹吉他、弹琴、小号样样行,而且长相很萌很帅气。15岁的贾斯汀·比伯先是在视频网站Youtube上“唱红”了自己,然后被经纪人Scooter Braun发掘,在与天王亚瑟小子(Usher)商量后,Scooter Braun迅速签下了贾斯汀·比伯。现在,他已经是亚瑟小子的“得意门生”了。


贾斯汀·比伯(4张)第12届全美青少年选择奖(Teen Cho Awards ) 男艺人(Cho Music: Male Artist):Justin Bieber 流行专辑(Cho Pop Album): Justin Bieber —《My World 2.0》 最突出男歌手(Cho Breakout Artist – Male): Justin Bieber 夏季音乐男歌手(Cho Summer Music Star - Male): Justin Bieber 第27届MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼 获得新人奖Justin Bieber《Baby》 2010全美音乐奖公布表演嘉宾 2010MTV欧洲音乐 2010年第37届美国选择奖最突出进步歌手 2010 AMA 年度艺人,年度突破艺人,流行类男歌手,流行类专辑奖 2010全美音乐奖年度艺人/流行男歌手 2010全美音乐奖年度男歌手奖Justin Bieber在12岁时,获得了斯特拉当地歌唱比赛第二名。他自学了钢琴、鼓、吉他和小号。为了让一些不能出席看他表演的家人和朋友看到自己的表演,在2007年年底和他的母亲在YouTube上传的自己和翻唱歌曲。Justin Bieber很快被一个多伦多的一家名为 Rapid Discovery Media公司发现,并在YouTube和MySpace申请了帐户和制作,编辑和推行他的。 Scooter Braun看到Justin Bieber的录像,飞往比耶贝到亚特兰大(Atlanta) ,乔治亚州(Georgia),会见了R&B歌手/歌手亚瑟小子(Usher)。Bieber引起了亚瑟小子的极大的兴趣,让Bieber与安东尼拉雷音唱片在港岛2008年10月签约。据,Bieber最终与亚瑟小子(Usher)签约。 全球人气小天王,这一长串极有分量的头衔都是用来形容这位浓眉大眼、用厚厚刘海遮住前额的90后的。他的发型已经成为流行的标志,成为了时下众多年轻人争相模仿的对象。 比伯并没有帅到无以复加的俊朗外形,在很多人眼里,这个小孩甚至还未发育成熟,但在出炉的《人物》杂志年度“全球最美人物”评选中,他竟然也入选男星榜单。同时,资历和经历尚浅的他已 Justin Bieber发型

经频繁出入各大音乐颁奖典礼,与乐坛赫赫有名的们平起平坐,让人难以置信。要知道,就在不久前前贾斯汀·比伯还只是一个默默无闻、喜欢唱歌的平凡男孩。 1994年,比伯出生于加拿大安大略省一个单亲家庭。他很小就有表演天赋,与其他同龄人一样,渴望受到关注。从五岁起他就无师自通,自学了钢琴、打鼓、吉他和小号,才华横溢的比伯还非常热爱唱歌,他的歌声清脆而优美。 12岁那年,比伯参加了当地的一次唱歌比赛并获得第二名的好成绩。赛后,比伯的母亲把比赛的片段放到了视频网站YouTube上,最初的目的是让住在其他地方的亲戚们可以看到比伯的表演,不料却意外被亚特兰大资深音乐经纪人斯科特·布劳恩看到。 2007年的一天,布劳恩正躺在床上上网,无意间点到了比伯的家庭视频——比伯正深情并茂地唱着阿瑞萨·的歌曲《Respect》。“当时比伯的账户下只有六七个视频,每个也不过有几千的浏览量。但当我听到他清脆的歌声,就觉得他真是个的天才,我欣喜得快要疯掉了。”布劳恩这样形容当时的心情,敏锐的职业直觉告诉他:比伯有巨大潜质和可塑性。于是,他很快联系到了比伯的母亲,说服她带着比伯一起飞到亚特兰大与自己碰面。 贾斯汀

这是母子俩次坐飞机。布劳恩说:“比伯的家庭并不富裕,他的母亲为了生计做过很多份不同的工作,还时常需要家中的长辈贴补家用。”两周之后,经过几个回合的谈判,布劳恩最终签下了当时年仅13岁的贾斯汀·比伯,成为他的经纪人。 一开始,布劳恩还想走包装童星的常规路线。他走访了好几家主流厂牌,想要找到合作者一起经营包装比伯,但是每一家都拒绝了。尽管这些唱片公司也认同比伯的天赋和潜质,但在经济不景气的大环境下,大家都格外谨慎,不想冒险。布劳恩回忆:“他们都认为比伯是个出色的歌手并有惊人的天赋,但是他没有迪斯尼频道的支持,也从来没上过电视,对大众来说,比伯只是个乳臭未干的无名小卒。即便他的歌声很动听,也不足以让唱片公司冒险。毕竟为未经市场检验的少年发行唱片需要极大的魄力。” 吃了闭门羹之后,布劳恩开始将目光转向新媒体。他和比伯花了近半年时间在网络上建立了强大的粉丝基地。在YouTube上发布新歌让歌迷,并以更自由的方式直接从YouTube和Twitter上与歌迷建立真实又真诚的连接。 与此同时,流行歌手亚瑟小子的巡演经纪人找到了布劳恩,询问他是否签下了一位极具潜质的新艺人。当布劳恩把比伯在YouTube上的视频给亚瑟小子和Island Def Jam音乐主席兼首席执行官安东尼奥·雷德看时,二人马上表示愿意签下比伯。雷德说:“虽然这个孩子缺乏电视平台,但也许通过《美国偶像》和《歌舞青春》等选秀节目来推出艺人的方式太过时了。虽然我们知道那些上过迪斯尼频道的孩子都很有才华,但大众普遍是因为 ‘童星’或‘电视明星’的身份而接受他们,其次才是歌手。而比伯不同,他是以音乐为先的。”于是,雷德、亚瑟小子和布劳恩强强联手,决定用各自不同的专长和经验一起从市场、歌曲选择、专业声乐训练、舞蹈等多个角度为比伯量身打造属于他的音乐。布劳恩更是为比伯预约了的流行乐制作人兼创作者特里基·斯图尔特等人为他的音乐出谋划策,而这些新鲜出炉的音乐都是时间在网络(而不是电台、电视台)让歌迷欣赏。公司数据表明,他在短短的几个月内,就为公司谋利近7亿美元,这是让人难以至信的事实! 2010年,贾斯汀·比伯为成龙新《功夫梦》唱出了自己的新歌《Nr Say Nr》,为自己的成名道路加上了新的一笔!


Because of you, the world is so beautiful and moving, thank you! I sincerely wish you a happy Teacher's Day!



Wish you a successful start,high school entrance examination!


i wish all candidates in the world can get ideal results and enter their ideal university.


Mutual support,common struggle:beli in yourself,until the moment of success,laughat the situation!


I wish you a good result,gold title,return home!


Surpass yourself,challenge yourself,college entrance examination,come on!

Ten years of hardship,all to be tested today.i wish the college entrance examinationsuccess!


I sincerely wish that you will be on the list of this years college entrance examination andenter the ideal university in your heart.


I wish you all the right answers,flexible thinking,extraordinary play,step by step beyond.i wish you success in the college entrance examination.


Test,test their own satisfactory results,i wish you good luck in the exam!


All your efforts will make you lucky!come on!


College entrance examination is a labor-sing lr to realize your life.At this time,it isyour time to shake it,and your life will rise in an arc in the future.


Abandon the idea of fluke,will take a dred refining into steel;the work of thickintegral seconds will make a great success.


More fighting today, more laughter tomorrow. i wish the college entrance examinationsuccess, the golden list!


Always break up, always pursue. theres a long way to go. well meet sometime. the collegeentrance examination goes well!


Handy, the college entrance examination is ooth, ten years of efforts, todays success!


【 #小学英语# 导语】崇高的理想是一个人心上的太阳,它能照亮生活中的每一步路。以下是 整理的《小学毕业生英语祝福语》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】


If you don't fly, you'll fly into the sky; if you don't, you'll be amazed.


He who has a straight waist will nr be in the forefront of the climbers.


A moment of frustration can often be transformed into learning and insight through indomitable fighting.


The dream of a wise man is no more beautiful than the footprints of a fool.


Belief is power, doubt is restraint, and faith is power.


Knowledge is a selfless horse. Whor can control it belongs to it.


If you don't step on the muddy path, you won't be able to walk on the road covered with flowers.


To defeat oneself is the most tragic failure, and to defeat oneself is the most precious victory.


Moving forward, we must not tie the rope of destiny to the illusion of youth.


A climber who aspires to the summit will not be intoxicated with some footprint along the way.



Don't be afraid. Middle school is the key stage for you to achi self-mament and self-improvement.


Birds he wings and people he ambitions. Ambition is the door of a career, confidence is the starting point of a career.


The reason why scrap iron can become useful steel is that it can withstand painful tempering.


Ambition is the germination of noble behior; sprinkle it with persrance, and it blossoms!


As long as you can harvest sweetness, there will be bees busy in the thorns.


No matter how steep the mountains are, they always lee a way for those who are not afraid of difficulties to climb.

7、人之所以Spring blossoms, I know you are here, with our hope, come slowly!有一张嘴,而有两只耳朵,原因是听的要比说的多一倍。

The reason why people he a mouth and two ears is that they listen tw as much as they say.


Don't wait for spring to learn flowers. Learn swallows to bring spring to you.


As long as there is a field of hope in mind, hard work will usher in a verdant green.


The seeds bear in mind the a of the rain drops to devote themselves, which strengthens the courage to rise to the top. 【篇三】


Creation is the real enjoyment, and struggle is the full life.


May you use this golden key to open the door of doubt and enter the palace of creation.


The ideal piano, must pull the strings of struggle, in order to play a beautiful movement of life.


If both feet of the compass move, it will nr draw a circle.


The springs in the mountain streams sing a wonderful song after all the twists and turns.


Birds love spring because they know that flying is the value of life.


As long as you he confidence, you will nr be frustrated.


There is no end to struggle, and it is a starting point at all times.


The imsible may come true today, the imsible may come true tomorrow.


Sprinkle into the fertile soil of struggle, a drop of sweat is a good seed of hope.





The boundless sea of people, you are the only thing I can not give up, but also the most I can not let go of the lessness, wher you go to the ends of the earth, I will bless you!


Open your eyes, give you a gentle blessing, ry minute ry second to give you health, good luck and happiness, I hope you he a good day today!


Collect the golden flowers in the garden of my heart, and I greet you with the brightest one.


You are a black crow, a green frog, a sweet sweet sweet potato, and a slippery lobster. Gently say hello to you: Are you all right now?


Afraid of what road is far away. Take a step further, and take a step further. Happiness is on the road. Good morning! Dear people!


May the bright sunshine, youthful vigor, beautiful appearance, and comfortable ile belong to you forr.


You'll nr be sick, your work will go well, your career and love will go well, your life will be happy and sad, your life will not be long, I hope rything will be as you think.


Love, do not let me wait for him for a long time. I'll go to the mother-in-law of the moon first and wait for you. Hurry up and come to see me in dreamland. I love you. Hey.


Please wear more clothes in the cold weather. Don't freeze. It's hot, drink plenty of water, eat fruit, don't get angry. If you he anything, just call home and contact. If you miss us, send us messages.


You're going to lee at last, but you keep the image of the flower, you keep the fragrance of the flower, you keep the expectation of our common watering.


Spring wind, spring rain, spring tiger, the weather changes most frequently in the early autumn, friends to protect themselves and the people around them.


The temperature is falling, the cold is coming, and the clothes are warm. Send text messages, send care, little greetings warm heart. Cold weather, warm wishes, I wish you happiness forr!


Your guidance has placed my heart on the wings of ideals. No matter what tomorrow, you must say it from the bottom of your heart. Thank you. I wish you a pleasant journey.


Health is the greatest cost of a person. Nr lose money for money. Without capital, there will be no money.


The road is at the foot, the distance; the road is in the heart, is the pursuit. If there is pursuit, there will be ups and downs. If there is hope, there will be disappointment. New month, cheer for yourself!



The sea is beautiful because of the wes, and life is enriched because of friendship. I give you happy notes as a gift. May the people who love you love you more and understand you better!


I wish you all the beautiful stars and flowers around you. May your sincere love be forr in my memory.


Without your deep gaze, my lonely soul turned into an flower, blooming quietly in the warm winter sun.


A little friendship is very true, a little love is very drunk, a little loneliness is very beautiful, a little missing is very deep, a little blessing is very sweet.


The sea of dust, all living beings, predestined acquaintance, fortunate to know each other, sincere to friends, calm to life, I hope we can become bosom friends.


A beautiful season, a beautiful day, send you love and send you a good wish.

Eat a piece of Double Ninth cake, a brilliant BBK, a cup of chrysanthemum wine, a sweet and lasting life. The Double Ninth Festival is coming. I wish you a happy holiday and a happy family.


Life and dream are two kinds of reading of the same book. Reading in sequence is life. May you he a wonderful day!


Good morning, send you fresh greetings, warm wishes, early morning, a good start, I wish you a great day, vitality, good mood, rything is good!


Winter has come to the cold weather, sending cotton padded clothes to protect the cold. If diseases are to be kept warm, health will bring wealth. I wish my friends happy ryday and happy life.


The frost fell at the end of the month, and the days were getting cool. The autumn lees are rywhere, and the geese return to their places.


Think you can't think, with no one can be emotional, no clothes, no shape, no welcome to anywhere, the heart stops nothing: give me a message back!



The fragrance is on the chewing face, the purple flower is auspicious, celebrates the opening ceremony, wishes the business to be like spring strong, the source of money is like water!


Daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law open their eyes, the air outside is really fresh, today is a sunny day, I will bring you breakfast, happy to see the daughter-in-law iling. Good morning, daughter-in-law!


It is love that binds you toger, it is love that binds your hearts. May you find that you are all like the beginning of love year after year.


Three years of schooling, a total of sunshine; one thousand days, how many chapters of friendship? May the lost years be turned into good memories. Stay in the atrium forr.


Continuous high temperature, hot summer, boring life, tired work, drink plenty of water during the day, go to bed early at night, you and my revolutionary comrades, the above tips are free!


Congratulations, hard work, achiment and happiness. I wish you all the best!


With a sincere, adhere to a persistent; to find a way, do not forget a kind of steadfast. On the of the workplace, I wish you a happy career.

Love is happy; love is happy; love is romantic; love is warm; in this day of resignation and greeting, may your heart be full of love!


Send you a blessing. On this beautiful day, may you he true happiness and joy.


Since we separated, I like a lonely goose, flapping tired wings, looking at the sky is also confused, looking at the water is confused, but I sincerely wish you!


We goodbye and sail. No, it is the rope that you throw out of friendship, which is firmly tied to my heart.


Successful people he unusual self-confidence. In other words, they beli in themselves, that they are beautiful, that they are good, that they are better than others anyway.


At night, the stars in the sky he gone to sleep. At this moment, I just want to send a message to you, good night, my love! Do you know I'm dreaming of you?


1、In the new year, I wish you all success and harmony. In order to work hard for their own dreams, we must make ry effort and harvest.。

2、Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy goo10、朋友,今天要远走,干了这杯酒。将彼此美好的回忆饮下,长存心底。d health.。




7、祝福语英语怎么说!With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.。

8、May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment f6、十年寒窗苦,全待今朝验。祝顺利!or you. Best wishes.。


10、May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will he a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in ry way.。


12、Vo blessing, silk friendship, string of thoughts, as a gift, stay in your heart. I wish you a happy new year.。

13、At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.。

14、祝福语”用英文怎么说啊?The new year is here, wishing you ry success and ry joy in your life.。


16、On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you and your family happiness, good health, joy galloping thousands of miles, to a higher ll!

17、The moon is round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round and round. I wish my whole family happiness and harmony.。

18、The sun is shining and the spring breeze is blowing. The laughter of the Chinese children flew. On New Year\'s Eve, we celebrate the new year\'s Eve. We celebrate the festival with golden cups.。


A person can not bring confidence to others unless he has confidence in himself.



Four years for an eternal memory in my heart. That's inspiring enough.


Three years of youth, a few s, a meal, so scattered.


It's better to go back, son Gui Ting, when will the merchants lee forr?


On the day of graduation, we don't cry, we he to go away with a ile.


Everyone will he a lazy heart, but as long as you persist, you can do it!


The white costume, like the white pigeon in the campus, is the cloud floating towards the future.


Remember that early summer, we iled goodbye, that ile is how sad and painful.


Memories always choose the most beautiful page, those unfolded buds, just another annotation of youth, no complaints and no regrets.


Life does not he many three years, cherish each other toger ry minute ry second.

Friends, I'm going to go away today and drink this wine. Drink each other's good memories and keep them in mind.


Even if the road is not open, we should be our own sun!


May you be like a seed, brely breaking through the sand, stretching out the green buds on the ground and pointing to the sky.


It is fate that brings us toger. It is friendship that binds us toger.


After graduation, the whole class of boys said to the girls: Whose woman you will be, you will always be our girls.


Flowers nr laugh at the tenderness of buds, because only when they are in bud can they blossom in full bloom and he a full garden of spring.


Today, my clasates broke up and said, "Treasure!" Ming Dynasty alumni meet, congratulations: success!


Every heart has its own sun, and ry sun has its own field of light.


Next summer, the classroom will be full again. Unfortunay, it will not be us anymore.


【祝福:NO.09】——《祝兄弟、姐妹生日篇》If you don't give up in one second, there will be hope in the next! Only by persring can we succeed!


I am familiar with the building, with the sculpture, with the green air and the fragrance of grass.



The sun is new ry day. Do you work hard ry day?


The mountains will fall, and they will flow by water and water.


Calm down, cast my strength; spell up and shine my style.


There is no end to struggle, any time is a starting point.


You he to think highly of yourself before others can think of you.


In the world, only those who can't understand can't get through.


Because you work hard, n if it fails, it is also beautiful.


Decisive mid-term exam, changing destiny. Repeated defeats and repeated battles.

Sweat before exams is prless, and tears are useless after examination.


Distant will no longer be far away, ordinary is no longer ordinary.


Fight for a spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Those who dodge reality will not be ideal in the future.


Fight hard today.


No failure, only temporary suspension of success!


With your unremitting efforts, you can prove that you are no worse than others.


Efforts to build strength, attitude determines height.


Back to the battle, sprint the mid-term exam.


Earnestness is the secret of success. Carelessness is the companion of failure.


The important thing in life is not the ition we are standing at, but the direction we are heading towards.


Tears are not our answer. Fighting is our cho.



Working hard for a year will benefit your whole life.


Self confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom. Insipid, it is the t off on the road to success.


About the exam, I hope my greeting message, will send you a relaxed and refreshing mood, not too nervous Oh!


On the list, Gu Ke Xi, the name of the sun is also annoyed! If you work hard, you will succeed.


Always want to win will lose, fear losers will win.


The mid-term exam is approaching. If you work harder, you can see the ile of the goddess of victory.


The journey of life is short and long, so that we can all understand the light.


The final exam is ooth, healthy, and rything is fine. Beli in yourself, you must be the best!


Disappointment, disappointment, vitality, failure.


If you want to take care of yourself, then you will treasure it.


Decisive battle college entrance examination, change destiny. Repeated defeats and repeated battles.


May the bright sunshine, youthful vigor, beautiful appearance, and comfortable ile belong to you forr.


It is better to give strength to less time and not to make a difference.


The closer you get to the exam, the more you need to work hard.


Simulation failure is not a bad thing, let you find the problem.


Don't make excuses for failure, find ways to succeed.


Do not ask difficult questions to do, first of all, the middle and low grade is good.


See clearly the blind spot of knowledge, the weakness of ability and the reason of losing points.


No goal, no direction. Every learning stage should set a goal for ourselves.


Easy to solve problems, difficult problems will become easier.



Peace, and live happily r after.岁岁平安,安居乐业 May happiness follow you wherr you go!

愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。 Wish all the best wishes for you.


简短易懂英语祝福语有wish best to you


best wishes的祝愿

he a good time有一个好时I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。光

enjoy youesTeacher, your image expresses your devotion to the most glorious career in the sun. You poured the soul project with your life and blood!elf享受你自己

Best wishes!

Kind regards!

Happy new year 新年快乐







5、Learning is nr tiring, teaching tireless, sweet and fragrant, and happy. Wish you a happy holiday!

6、On this special day, I want you to say: happy holidays! May you be healthier and happier in the days to come!


8、This is a gift we bought for you, thank you, teacher. Without your selfless dedication, we will not succeed today.







15、May my blessings, like a all flower, always blossom in this warm harvest season, embellishing you with joy all the time.

16、Your knowledge makes us ade, your people make us happy, and let us celebrate your holiday. Happy Teachers day, teacher!

17、Mentor Yongming Ji, Shi en long hard to abandon. I wish the world teacher happy and happy! Happy holidays! Happiness forr!


19、On the podium, beside the desk, it is cold and hot, and spring, summer, autumn and winter. Hard, my teacher. Happy Teachers Day!

20、You he illuminated my way forward with the torch of life. I want to say to you heartily: Thank you, teacher, happy Teachers Day!

21、We like you, young teacher. You are as handsome as spruce, as deep as the blue sky, and he a heart that is accommodating with us.


23、I didnt care about the teachers instruction. If I can do it again, I will do it again. If you want to add a deadline, one dred years!




28、White chalk ends, falling in wes. It dyes your white hair, but makes your youthful green more colorful. Love can nr be forgotten. Thank you, teacher.

29、Your teacher was so strict in school, so I can only run away from you. After graduation, you will nr mind me again, so I will report to you for ritual.

30、The sunlight is shining, the gardeners heart is strong in spring, sweet rain moistens, peach branches and branches buds are red. I wish you a happy holiday!

31、经年的期待,不变的关怀,我的思念与教师节同在;让我们今天祝福天下教师节日愉快!也祝愿你人见人Thank you for your care, for your , for all you he done for me.爱,事业不败!


33、Years of expectations, constant care, my thoughts and TeachersDay are in the same place; lets wish the world a happy Teachers Day today! I also wish you love and success.

34、Teachers Day wishes: Happiness is like more and more schoolmates, friendship is like Leadersspeeches are getting longer and longer, and blessings are like surprise checks.

35、Teacher, do you know that your image on the podium is so great and charming that I hope you will always be young, shining, and full of peaches and plums in the world! uuuuuuuuuuu

36、This years Festival is not stereotyped, with the of science and technology to send congratulations; I wish the teacher another youth, congratulations on the teacher Tao Li Man earth, hope that the teacher will he time to visit the studentshome.

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