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Congratulations on your graduation! plishedGood luck in all that youll achi.


Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.


I it out to Japan Fangxin flowers.


We had been toger for two trees, we he a duet of two vos, we he a buddy on the school desks. When we wed goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing.














































27、大学时光很美好,无忧无虑,色彩斑斓;大学时光很短暂,光阴荏苒,转瞬即逝。毕业已到,分手在即,发送祝福,伴你永远,日12. June is so hot sunshine, June's struggle is so passionate; June, respectively, in front of the blessing in June endless. He a good time spent toger for three years, will always remain in our memory. May your future be bright and our friendship will last forr!日顺意有成绩,天天幸福发大财!毕业留言










1、 要毕业了,不想道离别,因为不舍,不想说再见,因为不忍,不想写留言,因为难分,唯有送上祝福,愿你一切都好,心中默默祈祷,愿你前程似锦,常联系哟。

2、 毕业了,几年的磨练,造就了你挺拔的身躯,高昂的斗智,坚强的毅力,练就了劈荆斩棘、追风捕雨、驱雷逐电的本领,祝你离开校园,不断开拓、不断奋进、步入无比绚丽的人生!

3、 愿:你的理想像雨一样展现,你的未来向光一样辉煌,你的人生像霞一样美满; 在毕业之际,送给你真心的祝愿和诚挚的问候。

4、 因为学业我们相聚,日日苦读,夜夜温习;因为学业我们又要分离,各奔东西,去追寻更高的学府。没有今日的付出,哪有明日的辉煌?再见了同学,不要伤心,不要哭泣,明日我们还会再聚,背起智慧的行囊,勇敢前行吧,成功依然在等你。毕业赠言

5、 毕业的分别很无奈,虽然不舍,但要各自东西;毕业的分别很期待,期待成功,期待重逢。毕业分别之际,送上对你最诚挚的祝福,愿我们再次相聚时,朋友均健康快乐,事业有成。

6、 回首往事匆匆,今日面临别离,我们要在今日告别亲爱的母校,告别消逝的伤悲,告别朝夕相处的同学。走过的春夏秋冬,走过的灯光书影,走过的教师宿舍,都在我们心里深深的刻上烙印,毕业了,祝福大家年年交好运,天天笑哈哈。

7、 毕业了,我忘不了:陪失恋的我喝酒的你,在我没钱的时候雪中送炭的你,把踢球受伤的我背进医院的你。你们是我的铁哥们,是我的好兄弟。眼看就要分别了,我祝福你们爱情事业双丰收,好运财运都降临!

8、 空荡荡的教室,告别了昨日的喧嚣;孤单单的我告别了同窗的挚友。毕业了,你悄悄地离去,为何不说出来,让我为你送行!发条短信给你,愿你回家的旅途一路顺风,愿你逐梦的道路永远平坦。

9、 将过去的一切打入行囊,将同学的情谊铭记心间。毕业典礼后,我们就将踏上各自梦想的历程。毕业了,分开了,把这的祝福化作短信,发给我最亲近的你,愿快乐与你相伴,幸福天天见面,生活多姿多彩,烦恼忧愁全都滚蛋!

10、 我们匆匆告别,走向各自的远方,没有相识的话语,只有离别的眼泪和永恒的思念,祝愿大家在以后的道路上宏图,一帆风顺。

11、 记忆里,我们为了理想,努力攀登科学山峰;课堂上,我们朗朗的读书声,激烈的辩论;运动场上,我们顽强的拼搏,冲刺时的倩影。毕业之后,我们虽各奔东西,但我们的心永远在一起,为我们的前程祝福吧!

12、 不是眼泪懦弱,只是感情深刻;不是话语不多,只是时间紧迫;不是岁月蹉跎,只是依依不舍;不是幼稚爆破,只是毕业降落,转眼毕业了,愿同窗的你一切安好,莫忘联系。

13、 青春花开花红,离别才知情浓。你的身影是帆船,我的目光是河流,毕业了,送你一程又一程。祝愿你一帆风顺,前程锦绣!

14、 希望毕业只是短暂的分别,希望你早日收到大学录取通知书,希望你以后常常想起我,发个短信给我,希望我们都有一个美好的未来,为了我们美好的希望努力吧。

15、 相聚总有分别时,天下没有不散的宴席,毕业季,往日欢乐告一段落,未来幸福正在招手。愿你乐观积极,勇敢迈步,踏上人生最美的创业季!祝你成功!

16、 一段录像定格我们青春的记忆,一桌聚会沿袭我们不变的友谊,一声珍重道尽我们彼此的祝福,一汪泪水饱含我们的恋恋不舍。毕业了,我的人们,未来的日子我们都要记得努力加油。

17、 我们曾是远方来的两棵孤独的小树,我们曾经是胆小柔弱的两只小兔,我们曾经是一张课桌上互相鼓励加油的学友,经历四年的拼搏我们勇敢自信坚强。今天我们将挥手告别说再见,请接受我深情的祝福,平安健康幸福快乐成功。

18、 充满酸甜苦辣的同窗三年,忘不了我们在课堂上的争论,忘不了我们在球场上的奔跑,忘不了我们在考场上的奋斗,忘不了我们在烛光中的歌唱,多么美好多么值得回忆。即将毕业说再见,祝老同学时刻把我记起,永远平安幸福。

19、 大学时光很美好,无忧无虑,色彩斑斓;大学时光很短暂,光阴荏苒,转瞬即逝。毕业已到,分手在即,发送祝福,伴你永远The classroom, there are struggling to read the growth diary; dormitory, there are laughing slapstick memories; the sidelines, there are youth against the blood of the shadow; the campus, you and I reluctantly memories. June graduation season, blessing you the future is great, ooth sailing!,日日顺意有成绩,天天幸福发大财!毕业留言

20、 毕业了,有太多的怀念;分别了,有太多的不舍。忘不了你给我到来的早餐,真香!忘不了你送我的围巾,真暖!忘不了你对的关心,真温馨!忘不了告别时的泪水,真咸。今日发来我的祝愿,愿你永远开朗快乐,永远活泼美丽。


【 #英语资源# 导语】纵使季节搁浅,记忆沉淀,那薄薄的底片随着岁月褪色,也还能冲洗出那片温馨。下面是 !



Four years for an eternal memory in my heart. That's inspiring enough.



It's better to go back, son Gui Ting, when will the merchants lee forr?


On the day of graduation, we don't cry, we he to go away with a ile.


Everyone will he a lazy heart, but as long as you persist, you can do it!


The white costume, like the white pigeon in the campus, is the cloud floating towards the future.


Remember that early summer, we iled goodbye, that ile is how sad and painful.


Memories always choose the most beautiful page, those unfolded buds, just another annotation of youth, no complaints and no regrets.


Life does not he many three years, cherish each other toger ry minute ry second.


Friends, I'm going to go away today and drink this wine. Drink each other's good memories and keep them in mind.


Even if the road is not open, we should be our own sun!


May you be like a seed, brely breaking through the sand, stretching out the green buds on the ground and pointing to the sky.


It is fate that brings us toger. It is friendship that binds us toger.


After graduation, the whole class of boys said to the girls: Whose woman you will be, you will always be our girls.


Flowers nr laugh at the tenderness of buds, because only when they are in bud can they blossom in full bloom and he a full garden of spring.


Today, my clasates broke up and said, "Treasure!" Ming Dynasty alumni meet, congratulations: success!


Every heart has its own sun, and ry sun has its own field of light.


Next summer, the classroom will be full again. Unfortunay, it will not be us anymore.


If you don't give up in one second, there will be hope in the next! Only by persring can we succeed!


I am familiar with the building, with the sculpture, with the green air and the fragrance of grass.


The sun is new ry day. Do you work hard ry day?


The mountains will fall, and they will flow by water and water.


Calm down, cast my strength; spell up and shine my style.


There is no end to struggle, any time is a starting point.


You he to think highly of yourself before others can think of you.


In the world, only those who can't understand can't get through.


Because you work hard, n if it fails, it is also beautiful.


Decisive mid-term exam, changing destiny. Repeated defeats and repeated battles.


Sweat before exams is prless, and tears are useless after examination.


Distant will no longer be far away, ordinary is no longer ordinary.


Fight for a spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Those who dodge reality will not be ideal in the future.


Fight hard to5、即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。day.


No failure, only temporary suspension of success!


With your unremitting efforts, you can prove that you are no worse than others.


Efforts to build strength, attitude determines height.



Earnestness is the secret of success. Carelessness is the companion of failure.

The important thing in life is not the ition we are standing at, but the direction we are heading towards.


Tears are not our answer. Fighting is our cho.



Working hard for a year will benefit your whole life.


Self confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom. Insipid, it is the t off on the road to success.


About the exam, I hope my greeting message, will send you a relaxed and refreshing mood, not too nervous Oh!


On the list, Gu Ke Xi, the name of the sun is also annoyed! If you work hard, you will succeed.


Always want to win will lose, fear losers will win.


The mid-term exam is approaching. If you work harder, you can see the ile of the goddess of victory.


The journey of life is short and long, so that we can all understand the light.


The final exam is ooth, healthy, and rything is fine. Beli in yourself, you must be the best!


Disappointment, disappointment, vitality, failure.


If you want to take care of yourself, then you will treasure it.

11、决战高考,改变命19, through the road, loved the people, the taste of goods, flow through the tears, laughed the United States, are in the time of the river precipitation in the mottled memory preserved. Four years of flight, graduation, wish your future bright!运。屡挫屡战,笑傲群雄。

Decisive battle college entrance examination, change destiny. Repeated defeats and repeated battles.


May the bright sunshine, youthful vigor, beautiful appearance, and comfortable ile belong to you forr.


It is better to give strength to less time and not to make a difference.

The closer you get to the exam, the more you need to work hard.


Simulation failure is not a bad thing, let you find the problem.


Don't make excuses for failure, find ways to succeed.


Do not ask difficult questions to do, first of all, the middle and low grade is good.


See clearly the blind spot of knowledge, the weakness of ability and the reason of losing points.


No goal, no direction. Every learning stage should set a goal for ourselves.


Easy to solve problems, difficult problems will become easier.


★ 初三毕业生给英语老师的英语赠言



1, flying youth with passion to write the Love, the magnifnt years with sincere engred with the friendship, bright life with persrance decorate the future, wish things come true, the future bright!

2, open the soaring wings, chasing the ideal; Dangqi happy oars, to meet the hope. With ideals, raised hope, carrying a strong, courageous to the road leading to success! Willing to think!

3, the hearts of the former scenes echoed, the former laughter echoed ears, a short three years time, the banquet is about to finish, the number of the reluctant to fill the atrium, the number of reluctant to hope. I wish: after graduation brilliant future, all the way Kang Chong!

4, to the sky, start your flying wings; to the ocean, raise your happy sculls; towards the ideal, toward the hope, with passion, carrying a strong, courageous aancement after graduation ooth sailing, to make.

5, the school can graduate, learning can not graduate, so to learn to live old, youth can graduate, the dream can not graduate, so be bre, time can graduate, students can not graduate, so often contact.

6, the sun for your strong line, breeze for you off, cicadas sing for you, the birds applause for you, shade asylum for you, rain with yoefreshing. Graduation, and sincerely say: all the way to go, I wish you all the best.

7, gently, we go, as we gently to. Wing a we, do not do the green campus. We are here to lee a brilliant ile, here, blessing your future days more exciting.

8, more than a thousand day and night school, more than a thousand day and night confused, more than a thousand day and night finally, graduation looking for a job, would like you to locate their own, find the ideal job, earn happy fruit, to win the for of colleagues, On the move.

9, with the definition of our youth today, with the happiness of our brilliant tomorrow, with nr discussed our unfinished dream, I wish you success in setting our different ideals, students, graduation, refueling.

10, youthful years engred with your shadow, happy time to remember your ile. Graduation, bid farewell to a sincere campus, let us meet in the success of the road. There will be a period, I hope you happy.

11, a star across the heartbeat faster than two, because the jump, a snow falling, left eye jumped tw, because the joy; now, the left eye did not jump heart is painful, because we do not he too! Dedicated to graduation separation of the students, bless each other!

12, with the definition of our youth today, with the happiness of our brilliant tomorrow, with passion to discuss our unfinished dream, with the successful establishment of our respective ideals, would like to graduate from yoefueling.

13, the campus tree lush, the classroom full of clear sunshine. Familiar with the place, familiar people, inevitably melancholy hearts. Howr, I beli that youth is not old, you and I will meet again in a better future.

14, graduation, may yoelease the youth of the mind, start the colorful wings. Friendship, brewing in the wind, a better day in the future more robust. Road soon as treasure, send you the most sincere blessing.

15, looking at the stars of the night little bit of light to see the spring outside the window, with happiness will be happy dress, with the idea of pulling your heartstrings, with the wishes of commitment to your ideal to achi, he a brilliant tomorrow, I wish a bright future after graduation!

16, take the school gate, start a new journey of life. May you illuminate the life of the lamp, illuminating the journey to success. I wish you a successful career to the cause! Life wonderful! Life is ooth !?

17, quietly we will soon be separated, sincere blessing to send you, for a long time in other days, willing to work as you intended, life is very happy, affectionate, promotion backgammon, graduation all the way blessing.

18, gently we meet toger, unlimited joy and laughter; gently we he to separate, friendship tie up each other; graduation we are difficult to get toger, let my blessing with you all the way.

20, if you face the surging wes, do not be afraid of fear, not to consider themselves all. Once you he a broad mind, your life will be like the magnifnt general of the sea. Graduation, respectively, is willing to go out of the way!

The excellent version of the domineering message of pr10、毕业了,几年的磨练,造就了你挺拔的身躯,高昂的斗智,坚强的毅力,练就了劈荆斩棘、追风捕雨、驱雷逐电的本领,祝你离开校园,不断开拓、不断奋进、步入无比绚丽的人生!imary school graduation


1, I would like to parting words is an umbrella, can cover your journey on the scorching sun and wind and rain. This article comes from offer blessing network

2, from all corners of the country, to far apart. No matter where we go, no matter what ition, let us continue to fill out the resume of life, to surrender the cause of the outstanding respondents, the flag for the alma mater Zenghui luster.

3, let us use the common conviction of the ship, to the sea of life to plow out the white spray.

4, "can withstand all kinds of temptation and confusion of the test, be considered the most perfect spiritual health. May you graduate, can stand the test, do a beneficial to society.

5, I would like to parting words is an umbrella, can cover your journey on the scorching sun and wind and rain.

6, do not look at life and ideals like fif, six of the moon so round, it is by the yin, clear, round, lack of comition, a man to be more practical, we would like to "clear" more. Worry about others, music, music, your kindness, enthusia, selfless character, always engred in my heart.

7, self-love, make you dignified; self-esteem, make you elegant; self-reliance, make you free; self-improvement, make you work; self-confidence, make you firm ... all this will make you ahead on the road to success.

9, glow as a beautiful ideal, to call us. My clasates, break up soon, do not he to ask what day meet, we are a drop of water, all will be active in the motherland's sea!

10, it was said: "Everyone can become their lucky architect." Let us on the road to life, with their own hands to build the fortune of the building. Blessing

12, do not beg for cold and distant stars to illuminate life; let you9. past like the colorful clouds in the sky, earing a beautiful picture, but ntually the wandering wind blowing. June graduation season, let me use the same heart to characterize our memory, if one day you want to remember.r mind the sun rises, this will be a lifetime of thermal light.

13, if they are inevitable, in the past days hope you cherish the future years you would like to treasure.

14, a short parting, is to permanent toger, let us look forward to, share the eternal joy.

15, the life of the boat in the port of youth set sail again, we will we separation, the boat full of ideals and hopes.

16, Zhao Hui will not fall into the sleepy pupil. The pursuit of the United States, in order to get the United States! ─ Let us always be a wooing suitors!


1. Friendship in the crystal clear tears, beautiful journey to know each other; in good faith in the sweat flash, carved a hand in hand to commemorate; dream in the fight in the flowering, ile in the brilliant success. My friends, could not bear to break up, but also look forward to a reunion, I wish you all the best after graduation.

2. June graduation season, flying a dream, the future chase; expand a world, the wonderful bloom; sway a hard, the ideal sowing; retain a memory, the better burn; send a text message, the students wish: Bless you all wishes come true, ambitious exhibition!

3. June sunshine, the tears were shining. Do not he to get toger to declare the oath, deep friendship in mind. Farewell today, goodbye to the future. Students, let us meet again in a better tomorrow. I wish you a bright future, ooth sailing!

4. June passion surging flash, graduation friendship camp fire. Teachers and students dance toger Huan, the fire reflected the face and tears. Singing vo to the heart, teachers and students affectionate parting. Offer table flowers, love, embrace the teacher farewell words. Teacher goodbye!

Remember the beginning of acquaintance, ile; also remember to get along with the warmth, mutual care; also remember the familiar tacit understanding, the heart. These beautiful are like a plume of wonderful music drunk in each other's heart, is willing to accompany you to this beautiful future ahead of the road.

Also had toger cry, played; also had laughed, played; also sing toger, skip; also had a quarrel, high too; but nr forget, between us deep affection. Dear friends, I hope you all he a bright future.

7. June's sunshine is exceptionally bright, June campus full of sad. The number of days and nights accompanied, but ntually he to end. Graduation will lee, friendship will not dissipate. Would like to not after a lot of contact, our friendship until forr!

8. burning burning in June, the burning fire burning dance. June graduation from the situation, the most memorable season in June. Clasates things Benzhang Cheng, looking back Xiang tears flow. Friends brush to lee words, the Ming Dynasty celebration wine.

10. eraser wipe the aller, can not erase our tears and laughter; clock running non-stop, shed our efforts and pride; parting will be freeze-hugging embrace, yet long thoughts of fermentation. My friend, is willing to be better tomorrow, looking forward to meet, when you sweet my name.

11. The fuel on the runway, the sound echo; classroom encouragement, sentence warm heart; dormitory ridicule, Xiaofan audience; toger with the understanding of the hearts of the flow. Happiness is always so short, graduation soon, let us cherish the youth, for a lifetime of wealth it. I wish you more brilliant tomorrow.

13. June, always sunny. In June, the total must end. In June, we refused to be sad. Flowers thank the fragrance, ushered in the fruit fragrance. Graduation bring parting, we go to glory. After graduation, wed his hand and wish his friends all the way!

He you, my teacher; he you my dear you ... ... you will remember that you are my friends, I? June, I will bre and you say goodbye and I love you!

16. wed, not the old clouds, deep friendship in the heart; singing, ling the hearts of nostalgia, lofty aspirations will nr change. Graduation soon, let us embrace, for a better tomorrow. I wish you brilliant future!

17. knowledge of the way you and I, the youth of the hall you and I toger joy, the basketball court with you sweat, bit by bit constitute a wonderful memory, soon to graduate, goodbye to my friends, goodbye my clasates, May your future life be more brilliant, often contact yo!

18. You are happy, I am happy, for you to pay, and all are worth it. The same feeling, high degree of understanding, in ry corner of the campus, we are the most shining combination. May your dream fly high.

19. a picture freeze-frame accompanied by the years, a song memories get along bit by bit, a sentence message moist bright eyes, a blessing accompanied by the future of the road, is willing to friends around the graduation as a new beginning, the Affection to stay in the heart.


No good seed can bear fruitful fruit without sowing it.

【 #小学英语# 导语】崇高的理想是一个人心上的太阳,它能照亮生活中的每一步路。以下是 Three years of youth, a few s, a meal, so scattered.整理的《小学毕业生英语祝福语》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】


If you don't fly, you'll fly into the sky; if you don't, you'll be amazed.


He who has a straight waist will nr be in the forefront of the climbers.



The dream of a wise man is no more beautiful than the footprints of a fool.


Belief is power, doubt is restraint, and faith is power.


Knowledge is a selfless horse. Whor can control it belongs to it.


If you don't step on the muddy path, you won't be able to walk on the road covered with flowers.


To defeat oneself is the most tragic failure, and to defeat oneself is the most precious victory.


Moving forward, we must not tie the rope of destiny to the illusion of youth.


A climber who aspires to the summit will not be intoxicated with some footprint along the way.



Don't be afrBaby, you are happy, so I am happy! I wish you ry success in the New Year!aid. Middle school is the key stage for you to achi self-mament and self-improvement.


Birds he wings and people he ambitions. Ambition is the door of a career, confidence is the starting point of a career.


The reason why scrap iron can become useful steel is that it can withstand painful tempering.


Ambition is the germination of noble behior; sprinkle it with persrance, and it blossoms!


As long as you can harvest sweetness, there will be bees busy in the thorns.


No matter how steep the mountains are, they always lee a way for those who are not afraid of difficulties to climb.


The reason why people he a mouth and two ears is that they listen tw as much as they say.


Don't wait for spring to learn flowers. Learn swallows to bring spring to you.


As long as there is a field of hope in mind, hard work will usher in a verdant green.


The seeds bear in mind the a of the rain drops to devote themselves, which strengthens the courage to rise to the top. 【篇三】


Creation is the real enjoyment, and struggle is the full life.


May you use this golden key to open the door of doubt and enter the palace of creation.


The ideal piano, must pull the strings of struggle, in order to play a beautiful movement of life.


If both feet of the compass move, it will nr draw a circle.


The springs in the mountain streams sing a wonderful song after all the twists and turns.


Birds love spring because they know that flying is the value of life.


There is no end to struggle, and it is a starting point at all times.


The imsible may come true today, the imsible may come true tomorrow.


Sprinkle into the fertile soil of struggle, a drop of sweat is a good seed of hope.


11, do not want to parting, but in parting, that childish years; do not want to parting, always parting, that dream season.

各位就要小学 毕业 了,大家知道如何人才能写好一句英文的毕业赠语呢?以下是我为大家整理的小学毕业英文 祝福语 的赠语,欢迎查看!21、学业能够毕业,学习不能够毕业,所以要活到老学到老,青春能够毕业,梦想不能够毕业,所以要勇敢一点,时光能够毕业,同学情谊不能够毕业,所以要常联系。


2) the season of snowflakes flying, we he also confused confused, lonely and desolate, but we came after all.

3) the best wine to drink, old friends most intimate, friends know the longer the more worthy of treasure, because the co-owned too many memories.

4) green leaf buds: growth! Growth! White flowers: open! Open! Crimson fruit said: brilliant! Brilliant!

5) Poly is not the beginning, casual is not the end of the number of students set the condensate countless moments of beauty, will always be engred in my memory.

6) under the shade of all kinds of melancholy - the number of clasates set young love, hope journey thousands of thoughts, willing to friendship into the power of forging ahead!

7) At the moment when the boat was parked, we got to know each other. In this happy and meaningful six years, we all he a very good friendship life.

8) six years time, passing by, like a dream of age, filled with a string of laughter, do not wing sigh, feel flowers do, summon the courage, do not forget the news of mutual delivery surprise.

9) the ideal of a beautiful sunset, to call us, my clasates, breaking up soon, do not he to ask what day meet, we - a drop of water, all will be active in the motherland's sea!

10) May you be a tree: spring, spit a faint scent of the mountain; summer, sprinkle a touch of cool as the spring; autumn, give a tree sweet sweet fruit; winter, do a recharge your dreams!

11) Friendship is a song without words, in your faint season to open a beautiful tree flowers, in deep and shallow footprints, as yoecite the pace of playing a moving waltz. Year after year.

12) the one who dials the lyre, the indifferent black hair you will soon fly away like a pigeon, and many years later, but also remember you I he been studying hard at the same table these days ??

13) Knowledge is the wings of ascension, is the antidote of fear, and human autonomy is deep in knowledge. Let us race against time, studious, and strive to make himself a far-sighted man of profound knowledge.

14) pick a string of dreams, the school play, recall is so colorful brilliant; and the pursuit of growth, had been leaped off. The world of the hubbub of noise, it seems silence, let me pick up memories of the Fallen.

16) I he been toger with you through the six spring and autumn, friendship has also been numerous honed, but it also strengthened our friendship. Although we will soon be separated, but our friendship will always exist, forr ......

17) We used to be two dancers in the duet, and we used to be a fellow on the desk. Today, when we wed goodbye, please accept my deepest wishes.

18) life, from the flow of the stream to get; youth, in the pouring of the flash in the flash; the value of existence, in the river flowing in the show.

19) How many memories did we he in the maple trees where the lees were flying. That lees the maple lees, will us into a very wonderful realm.

20) friends, let me gently say hello, although life is inevitable there are scattered, but you are my heart, the most cherish the most memorable friends.


1. Beautiful dreams and beautiful poems are the same can not be met. I really like that kind of dream, knowing that you he treled thousands of miles for me, but feel delicious grass, as if you and I first meet!

When you are alone, the wind is my song, may it give you a moment of comfort; when you are proud, the rain is my alarm, may it make you eternal humility.

3. If you he to separate, but also to say "goodbye", but also in my heart there is a grateful, thank you for giving me that a memorable sweet memories.

4 years of students, I he forged a deep friendship with you, I would like to exchange your mind between forr.

5. my life into you, your life also contains me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.

6. I turn in the life of the place waiting for you, let me ask you the same as yesterday, would you like to walk with me?

7 is the fate to bring us toger, is the friendship will be closely linked to us.

9. Say goodbye to yesterday's , while weing the dream of tomorrow, this is you, this is me. His collective name is "youth"!

10. melodious singing, harmonious and warm world, bring a joy and joy, belong to you, also belong to me!

11. I and your heart are burning an eternal Venus. It shines on me and shines on you. Let us look up, run toward it, and run toward it.

12. Maple Lees through the beginning of frost, which is the banner of autumn play. I picked up a red leaf and dedicated it to you. Please treat it as a fine lyric.

13. Sunrise and sunset, full moon missing, always Jiaoren look forward to. Looking forward to a call, an unexpected letter, a moment to meet the joy, the knee-length talk overnight, a bouquet of flowers fragrance ... ... friends, I only look forward to a trace of joy - from you.

14. The sea is holy, its body nr preserved the nigator's footprints. Friendship is frank, its body does not allow the slightest traces of hypocrisy.

15. understanding and being understood by others, is a rare happiness.

16. This is friendship, when there are crying and laughing, there are noisy ... ... now only sweet aftertaste.

No matter how distant the future, the growth of the road you he me ;? No matter at what time, we are always friends.

18. Walk with you, remember the common ideal we he had; break up with you, looking forward to reunion when we rl.

19. We are about to enter a new life, in front of the road is still very long, let us cherish today he more youth and friendship, friendship with the truth to wate the bud.

20. you and I he gone through hardships for the ideal, only to the road to success. I hope you can remember, always remember, that a period filled with the passion of the shining days of struggle.


1. The so-called good friends like us, you can talk about the hearts of the feelings, care for each other, take care of each other, sometimes laughed, and sometimes get red face red, but will not mind.

2. Progress a little bit ry day, one day is bound to achi leap, or n fly. Is the eagle will be able to fight the sky, the tiger is necessary to sound vibration Valley.

3. Because of the thousands of mountains and rivers, the sea can be set off Hongbo Ju Lan; just because the accumulation of bit by bit, the sea will nr dry up. Children, to gather, to accumulate it, you would like to he the knowledge of the sea.

4. In our days toger, with the most cherished friendship, in our young years, with the most sincere friend, the edge is worth our cherished.

5. The two lights in the memory window are your affectionate eyes, and your talking eyes say to me: "The night of remembrance is coming, please meet the dawn."

With a childish, with amazing, with a confused, with the ideal, with confidence ... ... we meet the best of youth life time.

7. May you be like a seed, brely break through the sand, the green shoots out of the ground, point to the sky.

8. The road of life, as if the ring runway, the end and the starting point toger: the old end, is a new starting point. The end for yesterday to lee a record; starting point, heralding a better tomorrow.

10. You will experience the first turning point in life - primary school, it became the most memorable childhood memories of a period of years.

11. boat in the port of youth set sail, we temporarily broke up, full of ideals and pursuit. When will the meeting be there again?

12. time flies so fast, so fast, so I can not feel its speed, there is nothing to catch up with it. After separation, may also recall, may also miss, if the opportunity, may also meet.

13. Tranquil Sky, each star has its own track, so that we find their own in life the best location, the eyes of the world may become harmonious and peaceful.

14. Aspiring, the growth of the noble behior of the bud; with persrance to9. Youth footprints to stay in the campus of the all road, laughter and joy to stay in the fragrance of the flower bed, ry corner of his alma mater, are cherished with our friendship, filled with our fantasy. Please spectrum of a youth song, with you I will continue to forge ahead in the journey of tomorrow! sprinkle, it blossom!

15. that the students in the past is a bunch of candied fruit, that charming sweet and sour, will nr finish.

16, may you in the ordinary t, to create an extraordinary performance, until the realization of lofty ideals.

17, I would like to parting words is an umbrella, you can cover the journey on the scorching sun and wind and rain.

18, let us use the common conviction of the ship, to the sea of life to plow out the white spray.

Self-reliance, so you are dignified; self-esteem, make you elegant; self-reliance, make you free; self-improvement, make you work hard;

20, the old school, with excellent results you admitted to the ideal institution of the news was very happy, in which sral of your clasates clap for you applause. I hope you cherish the achiments he been made, make persistent efforts to strive for academic attainments.


8. You he your red orange green, I he my indigo blue, the sky belongs to us, because we are also young.

在这个 毕业 季,意味着我们将要离开美丽的校园,踏上全新的旅程,在毕业的时候,估计大家都会送上赠言。下面是我整理的初三毕业老师给学生英文 赠言大全 ,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴,希望对大家有所帮助。1) put up the ideal mast, raise the faith of the sail, the good forward rudder, row from the strong oars - sail it, the boat of youth!








May you cherish ry single day in your life and let it go forward ry day with vigor and vitality.


I hope you will grow up happily and he a happy childhood in the future.


I wish you can grow up quickly, and you can always infect ryone around you with your lovely ile.


The spring of the mountain stream is singing a beautiful song after twists and turns.


Let yourself he no way to go, so that you can learn to fly.


Life is a meeting, n if we miss it, we will not cherish it.


This test is already a comma, and there are countless commas after you laugh over it!


The cultivator is most confident of his own sweat, and ry drop is pregnant with a seed of hope.



Since you are looking for a way, why bother asking about how long it will take.


Baby you are so excellent that you must be able to deal with and overcome all difficulties and challenges.

Give yourself a comfort, give yourself a courage, fall to their own climb up.


See the gap, carefully yze, find out the reason. As long as we work hard, we will make progress.


My mother, I didn't lee you, my mother was hiding in your dark eyes.


Spring blossoms, I know you are here, with our hope, come slowly!


Life is to be grasped by ourselves, and dice is the way to success.


When the watell crosses the steep steep wall, it looks extraordinarily magnifnt.


If you he that strength, make good use of it and bloom.


If you he nr been afraid of being embarrassed or hurt, it is good that you he nr taken risks.


May you be a clr child! May you be the of time!

I will nr turn back, but I will not do it later.


Struggling in the sweat of the river, the boat of career has reached the ideal shore.


The beginning of the new semester, in order to brilliant tomorrow, happy sailing!


The injury you get today will only make you stronger tomorrow.


May you be as firm as pine and cypress, as pliable as willows, and as charming as flowers.


The seeds bear in mind the instructions of raindrops.


No matter what you do or how you behe, you are my dear child, and I still love you.


You he to fight hard enough to make fate open to you.


The future road, you must step by step, and he my heart to follow.


The books are emanating with familiar scent and playing a happy stereo on campus.







6、这是一个就业顺利符哦,应聘的人收到后会找到理想的工作,愿你带着我的祝福,怀着一个好心情,轻松通过 面试 !




10、高考像漫漫人生路上的一道坎,无论成败与否,我认为现在都不重要了,重要的是要 总结 高考的得与失,以便在今后的人生之路上迈好每一个坎!
















27、一个人一辈子写一篇好 文章 并不难,难的是一辈子写好文章不写坏文章,几十年如一日地写好文章,这才是最难最难的啊!













毕业英文 祝福语


Dice is the code of your life. It can translate a magnifnt epic.


There is pursuit, will move forward, he struggle, can achi; Dream, can fly, he efforts, will result.


You he always been a shining star! May you always beli in the beauty of your dreams and follow your heart!


Wish you a happy hug. Happy birthday on this special day that belongs to you!

Even now, opponents keep turning pages.


No one can really you, except yourself! Be a good director of your life!


Easy to learn, easy to live, be a confident good child.


Don't use excuses to fool failure, don't let pride occupy your heart.


Dear baby, the new year has come, in this year to be healthy!


A person's deep expectation can not only create their own opportunities, but also create their own genius!

I only hope that all your chos are not compromises, all doomed not to accept fate.


As long as you work hard, there will be more hope. Study hard! Knowledge is always the strongest force.


Quiet, cast my strength; Put it toger, shine my style.

14、一个人除非自己有信心,否则无A moment of frustration can often be transformed into learning and insight through indomitable fighting.法带给别人信心。

A person can not bring confidence to others unless he has confidence in himself.


Life is like the sea, if there is no storm attack, life seems dull.


A climber who aspires to the summit will not be intoxicated with some footprint along the way.


May you use your hands to create your own future and fill in a strong ink for your youth.


It is dawn to ride through the darkness, to flatten the rough roads, to push down the obstacles and to build a pontoon bridge.


Wish you a better academic progress and a better life!

Your knowledge, ability and character are indeed valuable, but your attitude is the most valuable asset.



Always beli that you are the best! Spread your invisible wings and fly high!


I always beli that you are the best! Spread your invisible wings and fly high!


No matter how steep the mountains are, they always lee a way for those who are not afraid of difficulties to climb.



If you don't understand tolerance, you won't be respected by others. If you are too tolerant, you will lose your self-esteem.


The curtain of life can be opened at any time. The key is wher you want to perform or choose to oid it.


Ideal in mind, the goal is at hand, I hope you can work hard to achi, comfort family.


Past habits determine today's you, so past laziness determines today's failure.


Knowledge gives weight, achiment gives glory, most people just see glory, not weigh.


★ 初三毕业老师给学生赠言80句

★ 初中学生毕业后老师给学生的赠言大全

★ 初三毕业给学生赠言大全

★ 毕业给学生的英文寄语

★ 初中毕业老师给学生赠言大全

★ 初中老师给学生赠言大全合集

★ 初三学生毕业老师赠言大全

★ 英语老师给学生的毕业赠言 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();



teacher, you are hard gardener, nurturing the seeds of those of us so that we take root, grow! You are the architects of the future, brick by brick of hard work!You are the light of candles to illuminate us, but just not light up themselves. Today, we are blessed with a sincere thank you! Teacher, your hard work! I wish the teacher students rywhere!Back to the battle, sprint the mid-term exam.


I wish ry teacher could he a sunny ile, a healthy body, you are a acle worker, you feed us, and we deeply thank you!


teacher, you are hard gardener, nurturing the seeds of those of us so that we take root, grow! You are the architects of the future, brick by brick of hard work!You are the light of candles to illuminate us, but just not light up themselves. Today, we are blessed with a sincere thank you! Teacher, your hard work! I wish the teacher students rywhere! I wish ry teacher could he a sunny ile, a healthy body, you are a acle worker, you feed us, and we deeply thank you!


7、 fate makes us know each other, and life divides us, like the moon and the stars.

















我们曾是并肩的两棵小树,我们曾是二重唱的两个20. June time is full of laughter, a bright future in our eyes shine; June time is full of tears, three years toger, how could one not tear Tao Tao. Graduation season, let us collect the friendship, to create a better tomorrow! I wish a bright future, a happy life!声部,我们曾是张课桌上的学友。当我们挥手告别的时候,请接受我深情的祝福。






您不是演员,却吸引着我们饥渴的目光;您不是歌唱家,却让知识的清泉丁冬作响,唱出迷人的歌曲;您不是雕塑家,却塑造着一批批青年人的灵魂……老师啊,我怎能把您遗忘! 愿你工作顺顺利利,天天开心。21、从前不会回头,往后不会将就。

You are not actors, but catch the attention of our ger and thirst; You'r30、我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。只有分离,让时间去忘记这一份默契。e not a singer, but let the knowledge of spring ding ding, sing the charming songs; But you are not sculptors, shaping the soul of countless young people... The teacher ah, how can I put you forget! You would like to work the ooth, happy ry day.

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