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english节日祝福语 英语节日祝福短语


english节日祝福语 英语节日祝福短语

1、Wishing you success and confidence as you take your English exam. Remember, you've prepared well and you're capable of great things. Good luck!在经济全球化的大背景下,高度发达的传媒体系使 西方节日 在我国迅速流行,国民庆祝了多年的 母亲节 其实是美国的母亲节。

2、下面是我带来的母亲节的英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读! 母亲节的英文文章1Mother's Day History母亲节由来The history of Mother's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Interestingly, later on a religious order stretched the holiday to include all mothers, and named it as the Mothering Sunday. The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother's Day.母亲节的历史可以追溯到几百年前的古希腊,当时,人们都会举行庆祝活动纪念Rhea(瑞亚),(古希腊的众神之母,她是主神宙斯和天后赫拉的母亲)。






8、In 1907, Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948), a Philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to set up a national Mother's Day in honor of her mother, Ann Maria Res Jarvis. She solicited the of dreds of legislators and prominent businesen to create a special day to honor mothers. The first Mother's Day observance was a church serv honoring Anna's mother. Anna handed out her mother's forite flowers, the white incarnations, on the occasion as they represent sweetness, purity, and patience. Anna's hard work finally paid off in the year 14, when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a national holiday in honor of mothers.1907年,一位费城教师,安娜米贾维斯(1864-1948),开始了一项在全国范围内纪念母亲的的节日,安娜米贾维斯荣誉日。





13、Slowly and gradually the Mother's day became very popular and gift giving activity increased. All this commercialization of the Mother's day infuriated Anna as she belid that the day's sentiment was being sacrifd at the expense of greed and profit.渐渐地,母亲节变得非常流行,送礼活动日趋增加。


15、Regardless of Jarvis's worries, Mother's Day has flourished in the United States. Actually, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year. Although Anna may not be with us but the Mother's day lives on and has spread to various countries of the world. Many countries throughout the world celebrate Mother's Day at various times during the year, but some such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.尽管Jarvis对此很担忧,但母亲节已盛行于美国。




19、With the compliments of the season. 母亲节的英文文章2母亲节的英文 祝福语To the world’s number one mom!给世界上的妈妈!Here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you he done for me over the years.这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。

20、Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you.There may be moms all over the world, but you’re the only one that matters to me.全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。


22、This card is to let you know that you he done a super job raising us children.这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。

23、This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。

24、Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you.玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。


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