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英语赛龙舟祝福语大全简短 赛龙舟英语句子


Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is the fifth

Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this nt is to commemorate one of ancient China during the great poet - Qu Yuan established.

I am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just the day time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. Dragon-boat race to reach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching Wai was packed, and I saw a gap I he this intense, happy, happy, why? Because, it is the first time I came to watch the dragon boat races, so, I just he this intense, happy, excited mood. The Dragon Boat Festival is also called the "dragon", "dragon boat", "Dragon Boat Race", most people only know to commemorate Dr. Chu Qu Yuan and has a long history of public entertainment activities.on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded the past. This ition clear at a glance down the entire river.

Suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a faster boat. At this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand is immediay followed by the rhythm of the : "Tk! Tk! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho 。。。。。。" seems to boost the morale of God , has started drizzling. Really drum! Vo! Cheers! Blast sound! Rain! Sweat! Compatible with the river water!

Dragon-boat race is a fierce competition ah!

我今6、这就是精彩的赛龙舟!This is a wonderful dragon boat race!年有幸去看了一次赛龙舟,因为爸爸当天正好有空,所以我们全家去看赛龙舟。到达赛龙舟的场地时,岸两边早已被围观的人们围得水泄不通了,我看了桥上的一个空挡,便叫家人挤了过去。这个位置居高临下整个江面一目了然。



端午Dragon-boat race began, each boat is like a arrow, the一个劲forward, ry boat is tied to many of the following are dumplings, each step forward, there are people on the boat with a knife to cut r dumplings thrown into the water the next. Each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: on the 1龙舟节英语:Dragon Boat Festivalst minute lead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. Van食粽:



Dragon boat race is a traditional culture of our China.The annual Dragon Boat Festival will hold a dragon boat race.I once went to the Dragon Boat Festival folk culture village to see the Dragon Boat race.Each boat there are many players,there are also many dragon boat.Dragon boatstopped at the starting line,the players sitting rest at the Dragon Boat festival.Not long after,only saw a man whistled,all the Dragon Boat fast to the front running,each dragon boat above all a player in front of the drums,for the behind playerscheer,other players in the back raised his oars desperay forward rowing dragon boats.I saw ry Dragon Boat color all he differences,similarities of dragon boat is like a dragon,a faucet,a tail,is really beautiful!A dragon boat is dark red,carved with fine patterns.A dragon boat is blue,it also has many beautifDragon boat racing is a common pract in southern China. In northernul patterns,a beautiful whiteswan carved on a dragon boat,sparkling.A dragon boat is brown,the dragon boat is really different,other dragon boat has a pat

关于龙舟赛的介绍 短一些 英语的


On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month 278 BC, when word came that his country was defeated, Qu Yuan, the patriotic poet, jumped into the Miluo River. On hearing the news, the people nearby searched for him in their boats. On the same day ry year, the Dragon Boat Race was celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan, and so the Dragon Boat Festival came into being.在这成千上万个观众里,在这震天动地的呐喊声里,也有这我的足迹,我也在奋力的呐喊,奋力的挥舞着紧紧拿在手里的一面小彩旗。在这彩旗飘扬的这场勇士打的像玩一样似的,就把骑士摁在地上爆揍了一顿。詹姆斯躺在床上怎么做梦,估计都做不出能“彩旗山”,也有我的足迹,我手里拿着的是一面鲜红的小彩旗,当然,也有许许多多的观众手里拿着的也是一面鲜红的小彩旗,为了方便地认出我的小彩旗,我在小彩旗上面写上了两个字:加油!这两个字,使一面鲜红又鲜艳的小彩旗,变的更加漂亮!

In the Song Dynasty, the Dragon Boat Race became popular with the people in Guangzhou, while in the Ming Dynasty, Haizhu Stone became the center of the Guangzhoaces.


dragon boat的意思是(尤指比赛用的)龙舟,龙船,读音为[drɡn bt放纸鸢:],赛龙舟是端午节的传统,英语中直接把“龙舟”作为端午节的名称:Dragon Boat Festival。

We will he Zongzi, dragon boats racing, and wearing sachets ect in Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate the great scholar Quyuan.赛龙舟开始了,每只龙舟都像一支离弦的箭,一个劲的向前冲,每一只龙舟下面都都绑着不少粽子,每向前一步,龙舟上都有人用刀子把粽子斩下扔进水里。每只龙舟的速度都不分上下:一会儿1号领先,不一会儿8号又追上了。


The Dragon Boat Festival ry May in Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, Kenn day festival, May Festival, five days Festival, AI Festival, terminal five, afternoon, afternoon, the summer festival, was originally a summer holiday from plague, later Chu poet Qu Yuan in Dragon Boat Festival threw himself into a river, became Qu Yuan Memorial festival.



扒龙舟:Dragon boat racing is one of the customs of Dragon Boat Festival in Chin这场勇士打的像玩一样似的,就把骑士摁在地上爆揍了一顿。詹姆斯躺在床上怎么做梦,估计都做不出能a.



Dragon boat racing is one of the important activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, very popular in southern China, is the earliest ancient Yue people worship God of water use.


Dragon boat racing , I watch the dragon boat race, in a corner of my laughter, holding a bright little flags, shouting his mouth: come on! Come on! At the same time, there are tens of thousands of people in the audience shouts loudly, earthquake, shake the universe, to participate in Dragon Boat racing players full of courage. Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese folk water sports and entertainment projects, has been more than two thousand years, is held in the festival, is a collective rowing competition. Historical records, Dragon Boat Race commemorates the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Thus, dragon boat racing is not only a kind of sports and recreation activities, but also reflect the people's minds the spirit of patrioti and collectivi. Dragon boats vary in size.

In the tens of thousands of spectators, shake the universe in this slogan, also he this in my footsteps, I'm struggling cry, furiously wing tightly in his hand a all flags. In this colorful flags "flags mountain", also he my footprints, I he in my hand is a bright red all flags, of course, there are many audience holding is a bright red all flags, in order to easily recognize my little flags, I write in the all flags two words: come on! This two word, make a bright red and bright all flags, become more beautiful!

Thus, dragon boat racing is not only a kind of sports and recreation activities, but also reflect the people's minds the spDragon Boat Festivalirit of patrioti and collectivi. Dragon boats vary in size. The is also set sail at a defined distance, in order to reach the end, has decided to place. Of all nic groups in China dragon boat races he different. Han in more than a year held "Dragon Boat Festival", the captain is generally 20 - 30 meters, about 30 per ship seaman.

我心里有这激烈的、开心的、兴奋的心情,为什么呢?因为,我是次前来观看赛龙舟比赛的,所以,我才有这激烈的、开心的、兴奋的心情。龙舟竞渡又称“赛龙舟”、“划龙船”、“龙船赛会”等,大多数4、人们正在进行龙舟比赛。People are hing dragon boat races.人只知道是为了纪念楚大夫屈原而源远流长的群众性娱乐活动。


Today, I watched the dragon boat race, feel very happy, happy, next time, I will watch the Dragon Boat race.


The size of the dragon boat is different. Generally, 赛龙舟(Dragon boat racing)是端午节的一项重要活动,在南方尤为流行。it is narrow and

a famous patriotic poet in ancient China. The dragon boats vary in sizes and styles, but they are generally rigged with decorative Chinese dragon heads and tails. Dragon boat racing is not only a kind of sports and recreational .龙舟的速度越来越快,仿佛龙群在江水中急速飞腾。渐渐的,渐渐的。1号,5号,9号构成了领先。100米!50米!20米。。。。。。终点越来越近,只见5号的力量一发不可收拾的爆发了!把后面的两条龙舟远远地甩在后面,然后冲线了!

activities, but also reflects the spirit of people’s collectivi and patrioti. Dragon boat racing is now among the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.



The first Dragon Boat Festival was held(举行)in Hunan. Every year, people always he a dragon boat match. The dragon boat is quite long. There are pictures of dragons on each side. The front of the boat is like the head of a dragon. Each team(队)of the match has twenty members. Beside them there is a man on the boat. He beats a drum(敲鼓). It’s an exciting match, especially(特别是)when they are getting the end. The audience(观众)beside the lake shout for their fourite teams. From this match, we he the name of the festival---Dragon Boat Festival.Dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the FT. Gradually, gradually. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. . . . . . The end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out of control! Two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finish line of the!

This special(特殊的)festival has another(另一个)name---Duanwu Festival. It has a story. The story is about3、我们一同去追逐龙舟吧。Let's chase the dragon boat. a poet called Qu Yuan.






There are many versions of the origin of drago赛龙舟英语n boat racing, such as


龙舟大小不一,桡手人数不一。一般是狭长、细窄,船头饰龙头,船尾饰龙尾。龙头的颜色有红、黑、灰等色,均与龙灯之头相似,姿态不一。龙尾多用整木雕,上刻鳞甲。除龙头龙尾外,龙舟上还有锣鼓、旗帜或船体On May 18, 2010, the Ministry of Culture of China announced t龙舟的英语:dragon boat。he list of the绘画等装饰。


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