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1、我们自豪,因为变得越来越强大!Today is the National Day of this year's National Day, I did a very meaningful things-for a commHappy National Day to youunity cleaning.国庆节快乐Early in the morning, I call on a large group of good partner, bring cleaning tools--dishcloth, broom, a brush.We first came to a unit, we a dog, the decision:I distribution, xiao yu, jade three people toger and the stairs. Small clr, path two people toger to wipe the rail. Good work, our distribution and lots of action.At first, I he no accounting skills, just blindly blind to sweep to Saul, dirt raise rywhere, make my face dirty. Look again at xiao yu and jade, there are common in, it may be said "misery loves company". We are all pointing to the other iled.We gathered to: "this dust one Yang. Make rywhere, we find a way to it." "There is!" I a rude awakening "we sprinkle water again, OK and soon?" "Good idea!" Everybody happy.Today's labor though very tired, but see a different middle floor, I immediay feel tired also again doesn't matter. Labor's glorious!八仙过海,各显其能。


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