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有哪些春节祝福语英语 春节英语祝福语大全(中英双语)



但愿相忆莫相忘,幽怀几许终难忘,老同学,好久不见,山高路19、Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!远,隔不断万里信笺,止不住由衷思念,始终不变的是对你的情感。53、Wish, send blessing, wish you a happy Spring Festival, every year with more than happiness!





1. I wish you in the new year: a harmonious family and a happy year; A happy life, a peaceful life; Be energetic every day and happy every month; Year after year, the source of wealth is extensive, and every year is safe and peaceful! Happy New Year!

【 #英语资源# 导语】把新年的祝福和希望,悄悄地放在将融的雪被下,让它们随着春天生长,送给你一年的丰硕与芬芳! 以下是 考 网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。14. Education is like the spring breeze, teachers' kindness is like the deep sea, peaches and plums are all over the world, and the spring glow is everywhere!



I wish you a happy Spring Festival and all the best!


Happy new year to you! Everything goes well!


I wish you a happy new year, peace and health!


I wish you a happy and prosperous life.


Best wishes for a happy new year.


I wish you happiness and happiness.


Happy door open, happy year after year.


Happy feast, happy life and iling face.


Good health, good luck and a happy new year.


In the new year, keep working hard.


It's time to welcome the new year again. Wish you prosperity and happiness in the New Year!


Wish you a happy new year and all the best!


A new year, a new beginning; the blessing of the heart, the starting point of the heart.


2. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish all teachers a happy New Year! good health! Everything goes well!

3. Teacher, always with a ile, always so happy and humorous, like to talk about life, which I still remember. On the occasion of the new year, I want to send my sincere wishes, teacher, happy New Year!

5. What you can't read is true love, what you can't pull is family love, and what you can't feel is friendship. What you can't thank is teacher love, one love even one love, one love with one love. Teacher's grace is like sea love, and SMS blessing! I wish the teacher a happy New Year!

6. The teacher is like the first ray of sunshine in spring, shining on us; Like a cup of hot tea in winter, it warms our hearts. The teacher imparted all his knowledge to us without reservation. Thank you, teacher! I wish the teacher good health, good luck and a happy New Year!

7. What rings is the bell, what passes through is the years, what remains is the story, and what takes away is the blessing! Hope, hope is beauty, send is blessing, wish you: Happy New Year! Peace and happiness, step by step!

10. Dear teacher, thank you for moistening our hearts with hard sweat and nurturing us to thrive. May all your days be filled with happiness, joy and warmth.

11. I still benefit a lot from your teachings. Your words are still in my ears and he a deep impact on me. You are my most beloved teacher. Send my best wishes on the Spring Festival today. I wish you a happy New Year!

12. Take a ray of moonlight, wish you a happy life, pick a lucky star, wish you everything as you wish, pick a fireworks, wish you happiness, light a candle, wish you a safe journey, hold a lantern, and wish you prosperity every day. I wish you a happy new year in advance!

15. I am a green tree, bathed in the sunshine of wisdom. In the soil of your knowledge, I thrive. The affection of heen and the love of earth are engred in my heart and will never be forgotten from generation to generation.

1. It's a great honor to work and study under your leadership in the past year. I wish you good health and success in the new year and 2022!

2. The new year means a new year, a new beginning, everything starts from scratch. A good beginning is half success. I wish you success forever.

3. May this warm blessing, the salute in the night sky, sing Festival songs, may your life be sweet and happy, and you can sleep well every day.

4. The whole family is harmonious, happy throughout the year, happy all his life and safe all his life; Happy every day, happy every year!

5. Welcome to and send to the new year. SMS will follow. All blessings will be sent. I wish you a ooth career, sweet love and all the best!

6. Only by leing hard footprints in the snow can we understand the value and heat of life. I wish you happiness in the new year.

7. In this beautiful and warm world, listen to the blessings of the earth. In such a hopeful year, I wish you a happy life and learning progress.

8. Dear teacher, plain snow is your symbol; Present the sacred aura woven for you and wish you a happy and happy year after year!

9. Happy New Year! Sincerely bless you: God bless you_ I care about you! Bodhisattva loves you! The God of wealth follows you! Luck is with you!

10. SMS to celebrate the new year, year-round peace, live and work in peace and contentment, industry and Bangxing, prosperity, good luck and eternal youth. I wish you a happy New Year!


1. The sea is full of water, spiders are full of legs, peppers are really hot mouth, I really don't regret knowing you. I wish you a happy New Year!

2. I wish you the joy of the Spring Festival and the gifts of the Spring Festival. May your Spring Festival shine and your new year be brilliant! Happy Spring Festival!

3. Forget sadness and pain; 2022, looking forward to the future; Bless you; Forge ahead and make progress; More grinding and more experience, career has drama.

4. No trace of years, only you and my friendship will last forever; The world is warm and cold, only you and my friendship will last forever. The new year is coming again. I wish you a happy day.

5. This moment has my deepest thoughts. Let the clouds carry full blessings and decorate your sweet dreams. May you he a happy year of chicken!

6. In the new year, good things are followed by two consecutive three, the mood is like spring in four seasons, the life is five colors and six colors, the career is prosperous, the troubles are nine night clouds, and 10 hearts and 10 meanings bless you!

8. This season has my deepest thoughts. Let the wind carry blessings and fill your sweet dreams. I wish you a brilliant new year!

9. We he enjoyed our cooperation in the past year. Thank you for your care. I wish your family happiness and success! Congratulations on the new year.

10. There is a touch of poetry in the long cloud, a touch of love in the touch of poetry, and my gentle greetings in the touch of love! I wish you all the best.


1. The streets and alleys are filled with the ell of the Spring Festival. My deep blessings to you are also scattered in them. Do you realize it? Happy New Year!

2. New year, new things, new start, new starting point and new harvest. I wish my friends all the best, peace, happy spirit and good Spring Festival.

3. Thinking about the laughter of the past and recalling the warm caress, may all our days be filled with joy. Happy Spring Festival and good luck every year!

4. Two lines of footprints, chanting long poems; The power of love, 21. May the year of the goat bring you great fortunesupporting the thick winter night, leads us into the white dream. I wish you a happy New Year!

5. Lose the confusion in your heart, erase the sadness in your eyes, and wish you a happy New Year! New year, new road, let's go, flowers are in full bloom in front of you!

6. Thank you for your great support and help to my work over the past year! May we unite and develop in the new year and do our work better!

7. Acquaintance depends on fate, and acquaintance depends on sincerity. A true friend, no matter where he is, always pays customs and love. May his friends be safe and happy.

8. In this joyful day, after a long separation, may the bell of the new year give you peace and joy, and new year's blessings.

9. In order to live, you don't stop; For love, you diount to see the flowers; For the sake of your career, jump your horse and whip. The year of the rooster is coming. I wish you success!

10. In the new year, I wish you high popularity, happiness, bitterness and happiness; Happy, lucky, young, happy and often laugh!


4. Keep a little warm, wish you happy every day; Lift up a blue sky and make you feel bright; Pass a wish, I wish you good luck; Keep a friendship and be friends with you in this life. Wish the teacher a happy new year in advance!



As the new year begins, let us also start anew.


Firecrackers ring out the old year, Spring Festival couplets million spring.


Add new years, spring full of old mountains and rivers.


On New Year's Eve, the moon and the lamp are still the same.

Three yang should celebrate their birthday.


All things in spring send residual wax, the end of the year tonight.


1、Happy new year!新年快乐!

2、A happy new year to you.祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

3、Best of luck in the year to come.愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

4、Wish all the best wishes for you.献上美好的祝愿。

5、Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.新的一年,向你献上诚挚的祝福。

6、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season.愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福。

7、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。

8、Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新的一年充满快乐。

9、Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.祝福您及全家新年快乐。


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster“Nian”.


On the eve of the Spring Festival, families get together and he a big dinner. Dump8. Thousands of text messages, special feelings, with the teacher, he a good trip; Ten thousand blessings, fresh and fresh, come from the heart and are happy. Wish teachers: happy new year, bright future, moist life and dreams come true!lings are the most traditional food.


The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words“Happy new year”.People enjoy the Spring Festival, during this time they can 9.he a good rest.


Children like the festival very much, because they can he delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their elders. This money is given to children for good luck.



A happy New Year to you. 恭贺新年。

1、May many fortunes find their way to you!17、祝你好运连连,事事如意!


2、On this special day I send you New Year's greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.


4、Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.


5、May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.


6、Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.

7、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.


8、With best wishes for a happy New Year!


9、Take good care of yourself in the year ahead.


10、Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year.


11、With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.


12、With the compliments of the season.


13、I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.

14、Season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year.


15、To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.


16、May you come into a good fortune!


17、I hope you he a most happy and prosperous New Year.

祝55、Spring Festival, blooming a happy ile, a good mood. Happy New Year!新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

18、Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.



20、Live long and proper!


21、May the season's joy fill you all the year round.

22、Good luck in the year ahead!

23、Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.


24、Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.


25、Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!


26、Wishing you many future successes.


27、May the joy and happiness around you today and always.


28、Please accept my season's greetings.


29、Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.


30、I want to wish you longevity and health!


经典英语祝福语1 1. Wishing you many future successes


2. On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together

3. I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future

4. May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!


5. Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year


6. Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year


7. I hope you he a most happy and prosperous New Year


8. With the compliments of the season

9. May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you Best wishes 愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。

10. May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright He a love filled New Year! 愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱。

11. May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through Hoping you will he a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way 愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度新年!


13. there's no place like home for the holidays


14. Best wishes for a wonderful new year


15. May the joy of New year be with you throughout the year


16. A new year wish from your nephew


17. From all of us in sales: Happy New Year!


18. Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy new year


19. We'll be here athefter the New Year


20. pay a new year call



22. May you come into a good fortune!


23. A happy New Year to you


24. Everything goes well


25. May all your wishes come true

26. A good start in the New Year


27. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year 在新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福!

28. Good luck and great success in the coming New Year


29. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year 恭贺新禧,万事如意。

30. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year 恭祝健康幸运,新年快乐。


1. Wishing you many future successes


2. Good luck in the year ahead!


3. I am hereWarm to say Happy New Year to everyone!


4. Lucky money for you


6. I hope you he a most happy and prosperous New Year


7. With the compliments of the season

8. Season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year


9. Please accept my season's greetings


10. Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year I hope you will continue to enjoy good health


11. Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity


12. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year 恭贺新禧,万事如意。

13. May you come into a good fortune!


14. Everything goes well


15. May all your wishes come true



17. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year


18. Good luck and great success in the coming New Year


19. May happiness follow you wherever you go!


20. Best of luck in the year to come












19、will be yours forever!

1、Wishing you a goat year with profits pouring in, prosperity in business, and hassle-free work. Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year!1、一元复始,万象更新。


3、大红灯笼挂起来,笑迎宾客喜迎财。 At New Year and always, I hope all of our New Year are this bright!

4、桃园结义,杯酒情怀。祝福孩子,更加可爱!Abundant fortune throughout the year!

5、愿你羊年赢银羊,为国争光赚外羊! 心中祝福潜伏多年,现在亮剑给您拜年。


7、a new year greeting to cheer you from your daughters. 愿女儿的新年祝福带给你快乐。

8、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year. 致以良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。


春节常用祝福语英文版 【分享】

7. Give you a beautiful starry sky! Happiness forever! If money is also a mistake, I wish you make mistakes again and again. Good luck comes from time to time and achievements come from day to day.

春节常用祝福语英文版(篇一) 1.theres no place like home for the holidays.在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。44、Health and happiness last till old age, and fortune is plentiful and ooth. Happy New Year's Eve, happy reunion, happy laughter and well-being!

2.Good weather, ooth sailing, ooth sailing, ooth sailing, ooth sailing, ooth sailing, good luck, best wishes for xx, all the best, XX annual good luck! 风调雨顺,一帆风顺,顺心顺意,一顺百顺,恭祝xx,一切顺利,xx年行大运!

3.New Year's Festival blessings, family reunion, happiness, health and happiness, happy mood, many friends. 新春佳节祝福多,合家团圆幸福多;身体健康快乐多,心情愉快朋友多。

4.The elder brothers, had made a fortune in this year, please don't forget to treat! Happy New Year. 哥们,今年发财了吧别忘了请客!新春快乐。

5.With the compliments of the season.祝贺佳节。

6.Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.祝你享尽新年佳节的快乐和新年的礼品。

7.Sound of blessing, silk friendship, string of miss, into a gift, stay in your heart, wish a happ13. Dear teacher, thank you for moistening our hearts with hard sweat and nurturing us to thrive. Teacher, I love you!y New Year, all the best! 声声祝福,丝丝情谊,串串思念,化作一份礼物,留在你的心田,祝新年快乐,万事如意!

8.Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season.愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福。

9.The New Year, new beginning. The starting point of the blessing of the heart, heart. 是新的一年,新的开始;心的'祝福,心的起点。

10.May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!愿新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!

11.Friendship is delicious rice, hot steamed hot pot, spicy Erguotou。 It's gluttonous。 Let's he a drink in the new year. 友情是香喷喷的大米饭,热腾腾的涮火锅,辣的二锅头。又馋了吧,新年喝一盅吧!

12.The fluttering sutra, the rotating Sutra wheel, the peaceful chanting, the flying wind horse, the six—word blessing, the blessing of Buddha and Bodhisattva. 飘动的经幡,转动的经轮,祥和的颂经声,飞舞的风马,六字真言的祝福,佛菩萨的保佑。

13."Own" believe "own" forever, will be more successful! “自己”永远相信“自己”,一定会取得更大的成功!

14.Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.祝福您及全家新年快乐。

15.Papercranes, thousands of heart, bless you forever. I wish you all a happy New Year! 千纸鹤,千颗心,永远祝福你。祝大家新春快乐!

16.Happy New Year, everything, all the best! 新年好,万事顺,事事如意!

17.Good luck to the New Year's holiday, ferro longevity in the door! I wish you good luck and all the best! 新春佳节好运到,福禄寿星进门来!愿你好运连连,事事如意!

18.A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!给你特别的祝福,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。

19.Good friends are simple, good friendship is refreshing, good fate is long and lasting! Friends, wish you a happy New Year and good luck! 好朋友简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘份久久长长!朋友,祝你新年快乐,吉祥如意!

20.All expectations can appear, all dreams can be realized, all hopes can be fulfilled, all efforts can be successful! 所有的期待都能出现、所有的梦想都能实现、所有的希望都能如愿、所有的努力都能成功!


21.Spring Festival, New Year's morning: a good family worship; two worship less difficult; three worship troubles disappear; four worship the same old; five children filial worship; Lepas happiness around; throw seven worship sorrow; high eight thanks to income; nine worship peace cover; ten worship Fest.春节到,拜年早:一拜全家好;二拜困难少;三拜烦恼消;四拜不变老;五拜儿女孝;六拜幸福绕;七拜忧愁抛;八拜收入高;九拜平安罩;十拜乐逍遥。

22.May the joy and happiness around you today and always. 愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。

23.May happiness follow you wherever you go!愿快乐幸福永远伴随您左右。

24.Happy new year!新年快乐!

25.Time and space far away from the heart did not change. Today, I will give you light the candle, drying wet season past. I'll send you a different weekday blessing, because there are only four words to say once a year: Happy New Year!时空的遥远并没改变心的距离。今天,我会为你点亮蜡烛,烘干一季潮湿的往事。我会给你送一个不同平日的祝福,因为有四字一年只说一次:元旦快乐!

26.Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.Wishing you many future successes.新的一年,向你献上诚挚的祝福。祝你今后获得更大成就。

27.Warm season, missing is full, I wish you a happy New Year. 温馨季节,思念满怀,愿你新春快乐。

28.May a river of gold flow into your pocket.财源广进。

29.May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。

30.It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以美好的祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满!

31.Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.致以良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。

33.uch joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。

34.Wish all the best wishes for you.献上美好的祝愿。

35.Ancient people sweep away the dust for the New Year. Wish you also sweep away the dust of the year in your heart. In the New Year, wish you a happy year! 古人都扫尘过年,愿你也扫去心中一年的风尘,在新春佳节的时候,祝你一年都开心!

36.May all your wishes come true.心想事成

37.Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!事业成功,家庭美满。

38.Season's greetings and best wishes, wish you he a bright and happy New Year. 献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。

39.A good start in the New Year.新春大吉


41.A New year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。

42.In the new year, I wish you every success in your career。 Realize one's ambition! Prosperous financial resources! Good life is safe! 新的一年,祝福你事业蒸蒸日上,前途无量!大展宏图!财源亨通!好人一生平安!

43.Happy New Year to shareholders friends beaming, silver twinkle is great, the stock market as great a fire in the New Year. 祝股民朋友新年喜气洋洋,银钿多多,新年股市火得不得了。

44.Happy New Year! A happy New Year in a good mood, good body, everything works. 新年好!祝新年心情好,身体好,一切顺心。

45.May you come into a good fortune! 祝你财源广进!

46.In the New Year's Eve bell, I raise the cup, any curved crystal thoughts, quietly precipitate at the bottom of the cup, deeply bless you happy! 除夕的钟声里,我举起杯,任一弯晶莹的思绪,在杯底悄悄沉淀,深深地祝福你快乐!

47.May joy and health be with you always.祝您永远健康快乐。


49.Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season bring much pleasure to you.愿你的新年光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!

51.I am here to say Happy New Year to everyone!我给大家拜年了!

52.May the coming new year bring you joy, love and peace.愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。

54.Please accept my seasons greetings.请接受我节日的祝贺。

55.There are light poems in the long clouds, continuous joy in the light poems, and my gentle greetings in the continuous joy. Happy New Year! 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的问候,新年快乐!

56.Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!



59.The longer the wine is, the more true the friendship is; the clearer the water is, the lighter the vicissitudes of the world become. Happy Year of the Pig, always in a good mood! 酒越久越醇,朋友相交越久越真;水越流越清,世间沧桑越流越淡。祝猪年快乐,时时好心情!

60.Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.拂去岁月之尘,让欢笑和泪水、爱与哀愁在心中凝成一颗厚重的晶莹琥珀。祝新年快乐!祝您新年:身上不长膘,人前你俏;手头有钞票,梦里都在笑。


New Year's day arrived, wish you in the New Year: career, mood sunny, wages DeFuTianFan, the future unlimited scenery, romantic love, still happy game room。

主题阅读:“英语新年祝福语”。12. For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!

祝愿朋友,财源滚滚;吉祥高照,鸿运当头;幸福围绕,健康相伴。快过元旦了,这一天说的多的话可能就是元旦祝福语。同时在不少作文里也会引用到这些元旦祝福语,好的元旦祝福语都有哪些内容?我陆续为大家整理了热门的英语新年祝福语, 欢迎大家与身边的朋友分享吧!67、Happy new year, prosperous, happy and healthy, lucky!

1、Happy new year, harmony, good luck, good life!

2、Dear mother, happy New Year!

3、Wish you a happy Spring Festival and happiness!

4、It’s really a shame we can’t be together at that moment.

5、wish you all the best and happiness!


7、May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear。

8、wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.

9、wish you life is not monotonous, happy and happy!

10、Happiness surrounds the year of the ox, making the time especially warm.

11、In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May this New Year outshine all the rest.

12、wish you a happy New Year! good health! Everything goes well!

13、Wish you: step up to the top, happy around.

14、May my warm blessing bring you endless happiness.


16、The country flourishes and people live in peace

17、The horse's hoof disease. In the new year, I wish you to keep going!

18、Happy life, happy work, good luck, happy Spring Festival!

20、Happy door open, happy year after year.

21、The year of the ox is coming. Wish you happiness!

22、New year comes and says congratulations, Congratulations, congratulations.


24、新年新气象:as the New Year begins, let us also start a new life

25、In the new year, happiness will come true early.

26、New Year greeting to cheer you, my good friend.


28、Wish you peace and a happy New Year!

29、Best wishes for the success of your business.

30、Hope all your New Year dreams come true!


32、May you he arms to lean on when you are in trouble.

33、出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

34、thousand pistachios for you, let the good mood accompany you every day, wish you a happy New Year!

35、When the spring breeze is warm, I expect to be healthy both physically and mentally.

37、arm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your forite things.传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意。

38、wish you a happy new year and always!

39、Good luck and good luck!

40、Merry Christmas to the worlds best parents!圣诞快乐,给世界上的父母!

41、May you always be happy, always happy, interesting and hopeful.


43、wish you a happy Spring Festival, happy and happy year after year, peace and happiness!

45、Your entire staff wish you and yours a most happy Christmas、全体职员,祝您及家人有一个愉快的圣诞佳节。

46、at new year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fills your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.

47、When the Spring Festival comes, say congratulations, Congratulations, congratulations.

48、look forward to your class after the new year

49、wishing you a sparkling new year and bright happy new year! may the season bring much pleasure to you.

50、Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.

51、wish you, friends, not alone.

52、Give you a dozen riches, attached to your head.

53、The new year's bell rings leisurely, carries my blessing, lingers in your side!

54、May the beauty and joy of new year always accompany you in the New Year!

55、May your new year be bright and brilliant! Happy New Year!


57、"Self" always believe in "self", will achieve greater success!

58、The bell of the Spring Festival keeps ringing, and my blessing keeps sending. A thousand words of wishes: Happy New Year, auspicious New Year!

59、Wish all friends a happy New Year and happiness forever!

60、Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your forite things。

61、When the Spring Festival comes, the newspaper Fulai makes a lot of fun.

62、May the salary shine, the house price recede, the mood be wonderful, the days be sweet and the happiness be satisfactory in the new year.

63、wish you happiness and good luck!

64、Wish you and your family a happy new year.

65、The new year is coming. I wish you happiness, good health and a comfortable heart!

66、招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful

67、Let the happy life embrace with you, is my expectation.



“Greeting you is my sincere heart sound.”元旦将要来了,在这一天人们不会吝啬给予别人祝福而多一份问候也就多一份温暖,如何让元旦祝福语看起来和别人不一样?栏目我特地花时间为你收集并我了简单的英语新年祝福语, 供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。40.May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.万事如意新年美好祝福你及你所爱的万事如意。

简单的英语新年祝福语【篇1】5. Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year 祝好运健康佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。

1、Happy new year, I wish you success, happy ile always accompany you!

2、hope you are healthy, safe, happy and happy!

3、The new year is coming. I wish you a prosperous business and a lot of money in the new year!

4、hope all goes well in the coming year.


6、May your dream be a horse in the year of the ox, where you can live.

7、wish you all the best and a happy New Year!

8、招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful


10、wishing you every success

11、The Spring Festival is auspicious for meeting financial resources, and the New Year Festival is auspicious and happy.

12、wish you a happy Spring Festival and good luck!

15、Send happiness, keep the ile.


18、You are as refreshing as the upcoming spring.

19、New Year's Eve is here. I wish my friends happy and happy, happy and auspicious embrace!

20、Man, make a fortune this year. Don't forget to treat! Happy new year.

21、The Spring Festival is coming. I wish you all the best.

22、Happy New Year! Wish you happy every day, always happy, every minute wonderful, second second happiness.



24、The snow is coming and the Spring Festival is happy.

25、Greeting you is my sincere heart sound.

26、hope you are happy in the new year. I wish you a happy new year in advance!

27、Good health, more money, happy New Year!

28、Wishing you peace and happiness. Happy New Year!


30、wish you a happy New Year All affection and best wishes to you and yours

31、Send a string of deep wishes, every minute pray for your peace in the new year.

32、May the hearts of friends be happy and life shine.

33、wish you and your loved ones all the best in the new year.

34、May happiness follow wherever you go!愿快乐永远跟随着您!

35、wish you longevity and health.



38、The new year is coming. I wish you all the best in the new year.

39、Happy spring festival!春节快乐!

40、Dear friends, thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your sincerity!

41、The beautiful scenery is still, wish happiness is continuous.

42、wish the worlds best mothers a happy new year, good health and good luck!

43、Wish you a happy life, happy, happy, happy Spring Festival!

44、Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.

45、New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters

46、wish you life is not monotonous, happy and happy!


47、The new year, with a more cherished attitude to embrace everything!

48、wish you a happy new year and always!

49、wish you all the best and everything goes well!

50、For you and your family,boss,during this holiday season!在这个佳节里,老板,向您和您全家人祝福!

51、出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go


54、give all my love to you this New year.

56、We will be hing New Year Party at Wang Ping"s this year. You are welcome to join us!

57、New year is coming again. I wish you all the best in the New Year!

58、All the gloom is left to the past. From then on, the winter is over and the Star River is bright.

59、New year, red lantern grinning, life is more wonderful this year.

60、wish you a happy New Year! good health! Everything goes well!

61、Wish you endless happiness and long life.

62、May you he arms to lean on when you are in trouble.

63、Hope baby: healthy, art, lively, lovely, happy and happy!

64、Congratulations on your successful listing! In the New Year!

65、The year of the ox, greetings never add to the cake, I hope you are very happy!

66、The god of wealth is in your doorway!

68、The autumn wind brings happiness, and happiness comes.


14、May this year be a lucky year for you. .

1、谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利!春节经典英语祝福语大全:。Light a little friendship is very true, light point of attachment is very light, light miss very deep, light blessing the most true! I wish you a happy New Year!

2、Good luck in the yea3.新年快乐英语祝福语r ahead!

3、元旦来临送温暖,我把祝福连一连,愿好运连连财气多。20xx年元旦卡片的祝福短句 新的一年新气象,新的一岁有活力,元旦将临,祝你在新的一年中吃好,...。

4、For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!

5、May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright He a love filled New Year! 愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱!

6、Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year。


8、Everything goes well。

9、On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together。


关于春节的英语句子 春节的英语祝福语带翻译


祝你全家,身体康健。I wish you and your family good health.心想事成

在新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。In the new year, w祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。e can open up new hope and new blank to carry new dreams.

希望2022过的五颜六色,而不是乱七八糟。Hope 2022 is colorful, not messy.

祝福随风来,愿你新年新气象,越过越精彩!Wish you the best in the New Year!

你好,2022!愿新的一年,所有美好,皆为序章。Hello, 2022! May the New Year be a prelude to all good things.

祝各位红红火火,顺顺利利,大吉大利,财运滚滚!I wish you prosperity, good luck and good fortune!

睡个懒觉,疲倦甩掉,愿悠闲与你共奔跑。Sleep in, get rid of tiredness, and run with you.

送上发财鱼一条,祝你年年发财,年年有余,招财进宝庆新年。Id like to send you a fortune fish. I wish you a fortune every year. I hope you can get rich every year.

Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year. 祝福您,新年快乐。

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