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咖啡名字有哪些 咖啡店名字取名大全集


1、一些常见的咖啡种类:黑咖啡(black coffee):又称「清咖啡」,俗称「斋啡」,指用直接用咖啡豆烧制的咖啡,不加奶等会影响咖啡原味的饮用方式。


3、白咖啡(white coffee):在咖啡中加入牛奶浓缩咖啡(Espresso):或义式浓缩咖啡,以热水借由高压冲过研磨成很细的咖啡粉末冲煮出咖啡。


5、通常咖啡、牛奶和牛奶沫的比例各占1/3拿铁咖啡(Caff latte):蒸汽加压煮出的浓咖啡加上等量的热牛奶调味咖啡(flavored-coffee):依据各地口味的不同,在咖啡中加入巧克力、糖浆、果汁、肉桂、肉豆蔻、橘子花等不同调料摩卡咖啡(Caff Mocha):咖啡中加入巧克力、牛奶和搅拌奶油,有时加入冰块欧蕾咖啡(Cafe au lait):法式牛奶咖啡─咖啡加上大量的热牛奶和糖美式咖啡(American Coffee / Americano):浓咖啡加上大量热水。

6、比普通的浓缩咖啡柔和爱尔兰咖啡(Irish Coffee):在咖啡中加入威士忌,顶部放上奶油越南式咖啡(Vietnamese Coffee):将咖啡倒入金属过滤器,在杯里放上冰块及炼乳,让滴滤之后咖啡直接滴在冰块上鸳鸯 (Yuanyang) :咖啡加奶茶,香创。

7、图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ /mons/thumb/0/06/Latte_art/180px-Latte_art,Caffe LatteA Caffe Latte is a single shot of espresso with steamed milk.Cafe au LaitA Cafe au Lait is similar to a Caffe Latte except it is generally made with brewed coffee instead of espresso in a ratio of 1:1 milk to coffee with sugar added to taste.CappuccinoCappuccino is traditionally equal parts espresso, steamed milk and frothed milk.AmericanoAn Americano is a single shot of espresso with 6 to 8 ounces of hot water added.Hammerhead aka A Shot in the DarkA hammerhead is a shot of espresso in a coffee cup that is then filled with drip coffee.MochaThis is usually a Cappuccino or a Caffe Latte with chocolate syrup added.Espresso Con PannaThis is a shot with whipped cream.DoubleTwo shots of espresso with the same amount of all other ingredients.RistrettoThis is a restricted shot. Less water is allowed to e through the coffee grounds but the shot should take the same amount of time as a normal pull. This is approximately a .75 ounce pull.LungoThis is an extra long pull allowing approximately ice as much water through the same amount of coffee as normally used for a single shot.Cafe MacchiatoCafe Macchiato is a shot of espresso (served in a all espresso cup) topped off with steamed milk (of a velvety ooth texture) - the ratio of cafe/latte is approximately 80/20.Cafe BrevaA Cafe Breva is essentially a cappuccino made with half&half instead of whole milk.DryA dry cappuccino generally refers to a drink with a all amount of foam and no steamed milk.,参考: coffeefaq/site/node/94,latte-是多奶的咖排,咖啡味比较淡若果你喜欢咖啡, 不防每种都试吓,口味各人唔同,。


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