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1、Nick: there was an idea 有一个想法Tony:To bring together a group of remarkable people 集结一群超凡的人Vision: To see if we could become somthing more 看我们能不能变得更强大Thor:So when they needed us ,所以当他们需要我们we could fight the battles 我们能够挺身而出Black Widow: That they never could 为他们而战THANOS: in time ,you'll know what it is like to lose终究你将会尝到失败的滋味…to feel so desperately that you'er right yet to fail all the same.会为正义感到无比绝望。

2、因为你们无力回天THANOS: Dread it.Run from it. Destiny still arrives. 就算畏惧,逃避。

3、命运依旧会降临evacuate the city .Engage all defenses .And get this man a shield疏散整个城市,启动全面防御,再给这个人一面盾牌THANOS: Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe.再平衡宇宙时,谁会在乎乐趣THANOS: But this......Does put a ile on my face但这个,确实让我享受THOR:Who the hell are you guys你们到底是谁?。


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