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1、when the world to seed weight, it will use a way.毕业英语祝福语1 1、如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。

2、If you cry for missing the sunset, you will miss the stars.2、毕业了,转身离别,何日再相逢?相逢之日,成功之时!After graduation, turn around and lee. When will we meet again? The day of meeting, the time of success!3、分别已久,相见亦难,让这小小的纸片带去我真诚的心,捎去我永恒的爱。

3、Long separated, it is difficult to meet, let this all piece of paper take my sincere heart, carry my eternal love.4、再见学校,再见教室,再见老师,再见同学,再见我暗恋的女孩。

4、Goodbye to the school, to the classroom, to the teacher, to the clasates, to the girl I secretly love.5、流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。

5、朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!Flowing water is in a hurry, years are in a hurry, but friendship is in my heart forever. Good-bye, friend! Friends, treasure!6、成功的秘诀,在于对目标坚忍不拔。

6、The secret of success lies in perseverance in the goal.7、毕业了,我们匆匆告别,就此别过。


8、After graduation, we said goodbye in a hurry and said goodbye. Together, the time has been beautiful, but also destined to be unforgettable.8、毕业了,不舍得一些人,深爱着一些人,也该忘却一些人。

9、After graduation, I will not give up some people, love some people, but also forget some people.9、三场试卷散了一场友谊,一场青春。

10、Three papers scattered a friendship, a youth.10、请再谱一支青春曲,伴随你我在明天的征途中继续奋进!Please compose another youth song, accompany you and I will continue to strive for tomorrows journey!11、希望是坚韧的拐杖,忍耐是旅行袋,带上他们,你可以登上永恒之旅,走遍全世界。

11、Hope is a tough crutch, patience is a treling bag. Take them with you and you can embark on an eternal journey and trel all over the world.12、都说毕业遥遥无期,转眼却已各奔东西。

12、They all say that graduation is far away, but in a twinkling of an eye they he gone their separate ways.13、对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福似潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。



15、Several people opened the same door with the same key. Several people said goodbye to the empty dormitory with the same eyes.15、毕业了,说的话可能会伤到别人,生活中。


17、After graduation, what you say may hurt others, life. But sometimes silence can hurt people even more.16、愿毕业那天,阳光明媚就像三年前的初见。

18、May the sun shine brightly on the day of graduation as it first appeared three years ago.17、今朝一别,何日复归。

19、Today, when will we return?18、有一个学校,有一个班级,有一个团体;后来,有一场考试,就这样散了。

20、There was a school, a class and a group; then, there was an exam, and it just broke up.19、别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再一次相聚拉开了序幕。

21、Tears of parting add new spray to the long river of memory; blessings of parting open the prelude for reunion again.20、春天是碧绿的天地,秋天是黄金的世界。

22、愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来富有的金秋!Spring is a green world, autumn is a golden world. May you use the green of youth to brew the golden autumn of wealth in the future!21、知识是取之不尽的矿山,你越往深处挖掘,你就越会得到更加丰富的宝藏。

23、Knowledge is an inexhaustible mi3、青葱岁月随风逝,别离之际恐伤心。


25、ne. The deeper you dig, the richer your treasure will be.22、春寒料峭,一池水,一轮月,一句祝愿,一份期盼。


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