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端午节的介绍英文 端午节的介绍英文版



I'm so glad to receive your letter, in which you wanted to know about the Dragon Boat Festival in China.

I feel honored to tell you about it. Celebrated on May 5th in the lunar calendar, it is a folk festival having a history of more than two thousand years. Also, it is one of the most important festivals in China.

As for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many beautiful legends, of which the story about Qu Yuan is most widely accepted. Qu Yuan, a Chinese poet who loved his country deeply, drowned himself in the Miluo River after his country’s being defeated.

To honor him, people in China hold various activities every year, including eating zongzi and dragon boat racing.

I hope you can come to China to enjoy it for yourself.







1、Eating zongzi吃粽子

Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival.


2、Drinking realgar wine饮雄黄酒

Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.




I'm so glad to receive your letter, in which you wanted to know about the Dragon Boat Festival in China.

I feel honored to tell you about it. Celebrated on May 5th in the lunar calendar, it is a folk festival having a history of more than two thousand years. Also, it is one of the most important festivals in China.

As for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many beautiful legends, of which the story about Qu Yuan is most widely accepted. Qu Yuan, a Chinese poet who loved his country deeply, drowned himself in the Miluo River after his country’s being defeated.

To honor him, people in China hold various activities every year, including eating zongzi and dragon boat racing.

I hope you can come to China to enjoy it for yourself.







1、Eating zongzi吃粽子

Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival.


2、Drinking realgar wine饮雄黄酒

Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.


3、Dragon boat racing赛龙舟

Dragon boat racing is a traditional pastime where crews of 22 seated in long, dragon-shaped boats race lengths of up to 2000m. The Races are an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival and are held all over China.


4、Wearing a sachet佩香囊

During Dragon Boat Festival, parents typically dress their children up with a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread. The sachet, which is said to be able to ward off evil, is usually hung around the child's neck or tied to the front of his or her garment as an ornament.


5、Tying five colored rings系五彩线

Tying five brightly-colored decorative rings around children's wrists, ankles and necks during the Dragon Boat Festival is said to help the child ward off pests.



The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Boat Festival, Double Boat Festival, Double Five Festival, and Tianzhong Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month each year. It is a folk festival that integrates worship of gods and ancestors, praying for blessings and warding off evil spirits, celebrating and entertaining, and eating. The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the worship of natural celestial phenomena and evolved from the worship of dragons in ancient times.


The Dragon Boat Festival, together with the Spring Festival, Tomb sweeping Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, is known as the four traditional festivals in China. The Dragon Boat Festival culture has a wide influence in the world, and some countries and regions around the world also have activities to celebrate it. In May 2006, the State Council included it in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.




端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival),又称重五节,于每年农历五月初五庆祝。这是广泛流传2000多年的民间节日,也是最重要的节日之一。端午节当天举行各种庆祝活动,吃粽子和赛龙舟(dragon boat racing)是其中的重要习俗。



The Dragon Boat Festival,also called Double FifthFestival,is celebrated on May 5th on lunarcalendar.It is a folk festival widely spread with ahistory of over 2,000 years,and is one of the mostimportant Chinese festivals as well.

There are variouscelebrating activities on that day,among which the customs of eating rice dumplings anddragon boat racing are quite important.

There are many legends on the origin of the DragonBoat Festival.Some people think it is to commemorate the poet Qu Yuan,while others say it isto be in honour of Wu Zixu,a famous general during the Warring States period.

However,thelegend of Qu Yuan spreads most widely.People appreciate highly the noble sentiment andprominent talent of this patriotic poet and are very sympathetic with the ending that hecommitted by drowning himself in a river.



端午节是流行于以及汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日, [113] 传说战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在五月初五跳汨罗江自尽,后人亦将端午节作为纪念屈原的节日;也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥及介子推等说法。端午节的起源涵盖了古老星象文化、人文哲学等方面内容,蕴含着深邃丰厚的文化内涵,在传承发展中杂糅了多种民俗为一体,各地因地域文化不同而又存在着习俗内容或细节上的差异

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanyang Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Heavy Five Festival, Tianzhong Festival, etc., dates on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year, is a folk festival that integrates worship of gods and ancestors, prayer for blessings and warding off evil spirits, celebration entertainment and food. The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the worship of natural celestial phenomena and evolved from the dragon sacrifice in ancient times. In the middle of summer, the Dragon Seven Lodges soared in the middle of the south, in the most "middle" position of the year, just like the fifth master of the "I Ching Qiangua": "The flying dragon is in the sky". The Dragon Boat Festival is an auspicious day of "flying dragons in the sky", and dragon and dragon boat culture has always run through the inheritance history of the Dragon Boat Festival. [1-3]

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional cultural festival popular in China and other countries in the Chinese character culture circle,[113] Legend has it that Qu Yuan, a poet of the State of Chu during the Warring States period, committed by jumping into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month, and later generations also used the Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan; There are also commemorations of Wu Zixu, Cao E and Jie Zitui. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival covers ancient star culture, humanistic philosophy and other aspects, containing profound and rich cultural connotations, and mixing a variety of folk customs in the inheritance and development, and there are differences in customs content or details in various places due to different regional cultures

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